5 Is there any estimate of average damage output per turn for PCs by level? 12 What is the most damage you can do as a 17th level fighter, in 5e? 1 What is the net effect from advantage or disadvantage on to hit chance? Related 1 How to optimize a rogue fo...
Related:How to Play Dungeons & Dragons Solo Ideal Spells for Undead Warlocks When choosing cantrips, a Warlock can never go wrong with Eldritch Blast, butother useful spell optionsinclude Toll the Dead and Chill Touch. First level spells such as Hex, Hellish Rebuke and Cause Fear work well w...
After reading this question on creating a grappling fighter in Pathfinder, I got to thinking about how something similar could be created in DnD 5e. As with the linked question, I am hoping to play some sort of Luchador character who wears a mask, and exclusively wrestles its opponents to...
Then you can extend the range by multiclassing as a level 3 Echo Knight Fighter. Manifest your echo as a bonus action 15 feet ahead, then "mentally command the echo to move up to 30 feet" further, then the attack "can originate from … the echo's space". It's not written anywhere...
If anything, a Variant Human is the best option for a Wizard because it allows for an extra Feat from the start. Wizard's biggest weakness is that they are slower to build in power than many other classes, so an extra Feat boosts a Wizard's capabilities at the start of a campaign whe...
Indiana Jones Build Summary RELATED:How the Indiana Jones Franchise Can Continue After Indiana Jones 5 The Best D&D Race For Indiana Jones Indy is, of course, a human, and taking the Variant Human race allows the player to choose a starting feat that will provide Dr. Jones with a boost. ...