之前使用的是Qt4.7后来换成了Qt5.x,Qtcreator的版本使用4.0,使用中发现Qtcreator远程调试出现“The selected build of GDB does not support Python scripting.It cannot be used in Qt Creator.” 意思是gdb不支持Python脚本不能再Qtcreator中使用。有问题问度娘找了半天终于发现一个能解决问题的分享一下: sudo ...
意思是gdb不支持Python脚本不能再Qtcreator中使用。有问题问度娘找了半天终于发现一个能解决问题的分享一下: sudo apt-get install gdb-multiarch 安装这个gdb工具。然后Qtcreator中Tools-->Options-->Build & Run 找到Debuggers选项卡添加/usr/bin/gdb-multiarch,对应的Kits中使用的gdb换成添加的这个。 剩下的就...
麒麟电脑the selected build of gdb does not support python 麒麟电脑设置三层密码 一、安装 (一)确定服务器的操作系统位数 Windows XP、2000、2003系统,在我的电脑属性里,可以很明显地看到标识。如果没有注明是64位的,那么默认就是32位的。 Windows 7 系统在控制面板,点击系统,在系统类型里,标注有操作系统位数。
skip_mingw32_gdb_with_python=yes BUILD_OPTIONS="$BUILD_OPTIONS -fbracket-depth=512" fi #Building mingw gdb with python support requires python windows package and #a special config file. If any of them is missing, we skip the build of ...
After adding python.dll etc. GDB starts, but it misses the files, looks like pathd:\r\winlibs64-9.3.0-7.0.0\inst_gdb-9.1\share\gdb\share\gdb/pythonis hardcoded? d:\git\s7p\work2\s7p.tools\win64_gcc_mingw64_9.3.0\bin>gdb Python Exception <class 'ModuleNotFoundError'> No module...
//ftp.gnu.org/gnu/gdb/gdb-12.1.tar.xz to /home/lengjing/data/cbuild/output/mirror-cache/downloads/gdb-12.1.tar.xz untar /home/lengjing/data/cbuild/output/mirror-cache/downloads/gdb-12.1.tar.xz to /home/lengjing/data/cbuild/output/x86_64-native/objects/scripts/toolchain/srcs ./output...
#definition of `struct bfd_build_id`, yet the bfd library bundled with gdb has #it but the build system will still use the one installed by bintuils while #compiling py-objfile.c of python binding support. # #Remove reference to custom -I$INSTALL_PREFIX ...
-- Performing Test TEST_gdb_index - Failed -- Performing Test HAVE_reduce_relocations -- Performing Test HAVE_reduce_relocations - Success -- Performing Test separate debug information support -- Performing Test separate debug information support - Failed -- Performing Test HAVE_signaling_nan...
sudo apt update sudo apt install g++ gdb make ninja-build rsync zip The apt commands above install: A C++ compiler gdb CMake rsync zip An underlying build system generatorCross-platform CMake development with a WSL 2 distroThis walkthrough uses GCC and Ninja on Ubuntu. And Visual Studio 20...
BuildTerrain (テレインの構築) の例 1 (Python ウィンドウ) 次のサンプルは、Python ウィンドウでこのツールを使用する方法を示しています。 importarcpyfromarcpyimportenvarcpy.CheckOutExtension('3D')env.workspace='C:/data'arcpy.BuildTerrain_3d('test.gdb/featuredataset/terrain') ...