Operating system windows11 64 Compiler msvc Steps to reproduce the behavior >.\vcpkg install ffmpeg[x264]:x86-windows-static >.\vcpkg install ffmpeg[x265]:x86-windows-static Failure logs [build-x86-windows-static-md-rel-config.log](https...
build ffmpeg/xvid/x264 and others on Ubuntu 10 and 12.04 Builds and Installs encoding packages listed below on Ubuntu 10/12.04 and builds the latest stable releases of x264 xvid and ffmpeg Packages for build env git-core build-essential checkinstall subversion Packages to provide codecs/etc lib...
Building FFmpeg, x264, x265, libvpx, and libaom with GCC The FFmpeg Compilation Guide describes how to either install these packages using the system package installer or downloading and building the latest version. Compared to the FFmpeg Compilation Guide, this document describes how to: ...
ffmpeg_build/lib" --extra-libs="-lpthread -lm" --ld="g++" --bindir="$HOME/bin" --enable-gpl --enable-gnutls --enable-libaom --enable-libass --enable-libfdk-aac --enable-libfreetype --enable-libmp3lame --enable-libx264 --enable-libx265 --enable-libvmaf --e...
"ENABLE_FFMPEG_NVENC"for the ffmpeg-provided nvenc LibajanTV2 By default, OBS is configured to build with AJA I/O devices support enabled. This requireslibajantv2to be installed. Alternatively, you can disable it with : "ENABLE_AJA": false, ...
ffmpeg[x264] x264support in ffmpeg ffmpeg[opencl] openclsupport in ffmpeg ffmpeg[nonfree] allownonfree and unredistributable libraries ffmpeg[gpl] allowGPL licensed libraries fftw3 3.3.7-2 FFTW is a C subroutine library for computing the discrete Fourier transform (D… flann 1.9.1-7...
cmake/Modules/FindFFmpeg.cmake:151 (find_package_handle_standard_args) deps/media-playback/CMakeLists.txt:3 (find_package) I am using the "Pre-built Windows dependencies for VS2019". Looking in the directory tree I see libraries for x264, curl, and mbedTL...
-D OPENCV_EXTRA_MODULES_PATH=~/tmp/opencv_contrib-3.2.0/modules \ -D BUILD_EXAMPLES=ON .. make -j8 sudo make install References http://withr.me/install-opencv-on-ubuntu-16/ http://notes.maxwi.com/2017/03/01/ubuntu-compile-opencv2-with-cuda-and-ffmpeg/...
ffmpeg[x264] x264support in ffmpeg ffmpeg[opencl] openclsupport in ffmpeg ffmpeg[nonfree] allownonfree and unredistributable libraries ffmpeg[gpl] allowGPL licensed libraries fftw3 3.3.7-2 FFTW is a C subroutine library for computing the discrete Fourier transform (D… flann ...
link.exe hangs when following the instruction https://www.roxlu.com/2019/062/compiling-ffmpeg-with-x264-on-windows-10-using-msvc to build ffmpeg Closed - FixedView solution122 0Votes rrray ray - Reported Aug 08, 2022 10:07 AM...