每个节点都会自动安装Jenkins代理节点来执行任务。 1.如果 master 被配置为默认的执行节点,那么Jenkins会在master上执行任务。 2.否则,如果标签为空(或者在声明式语法中使用 agent any),Jenkins会在任意节点上找到第一个可用的执行器来执行任务。 当这部分流水线被执行的时候,它会自动连接到指定节点并未执行代码创建...
I have the same problem behind a cooperate Proxy. I have some logs from the jenkins build node.js installation works fine: [2022-05-13T13:25:30.281Z] [INFO] Couldn't find node. Installing Node and npm to /home/jenkins/.vaadin.
Service(s) ci.jenkins.io Summary The 11 April 2024 at 13h20 UTC, after a set of plugin upgrades (with controller restart) on ci.jenkins.io (see the list below), the controller failed to restart twice with an error stack described below. ...
exec-9][JenkinsServiceImpl.java:425] - slave master name or label is null, slaveInfo: SlaveInfoBO(id=null, displayName=master, isOnline=true, nodeLabel=, nodeType=null, executorNum=2, idleNum=2, kindId=null, namespace=, persistentVolumeClaim=null, slaveType=ssh, image=, podName=...
If the instance status is still abnormal, contact technical support. ● Case 2: There is no idle executor on OctopusJenkinsMaster. a. Log in to ManageOne Operation Portal using the oct-{region_id} account. For details, see Logging In to ManageOne Operation Portal....
Create three Amazon Elastic Container Registry (ECR) repositories that will be used to store the container images for the Jenkins agent, kaniko executor, andsample applicationused in this demo: JOF_JENKINS_AGENT_REPOSITORY=$(aws ecr create-repository\--repository-name jenkins\--region$JOF_REGION...
- src/core/lib/iomgr/executor/threadpool.cc - src/core/lib/iomgr/fork_posix.cc - src/core/lib/iomgr/fork_windows.cc - src/core/lib/iomgr/gethostname_fallback.cc - src/core/lib/iomgr/gethostname_host_name_max.cc - src/core/lib/iomgr/gethostname_sysconf.cc - src/core/lib...
3 test jobs "completed" but got hung on slave executors at end of pipeline with below, had to kill "Executor" as job had actually finished to remove: [Pipeline] End of Pipeline java.lang.NullPointerException at org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.cps.FlowHead.markIfFail(FlowHead.java:176) at...
If the instance status is still abnormal, contact technical support. ● Case 2: There is no idle executor on OctopusJenkinsMaster. a. Log in to ManageOne Operation Portal using the oct-{region_id} account. For details, see Logging In to ManageOne Operation Portal....
If the instance status is still abnormal, contact technical support. ● Case 2: There is no idle executor on OctopusJenkinsMaster. a. Log in to ManageOne Operation Portal using the oct-{region_id} account. For details, see Logging In to ManageOne Operation Portal....