Electron-React-BuildApk是一个用于将Electron应用打包为Android APK的工具。它通过使用electron-builder等工具,将Electron应用转化为适合Android系统的文件格式,使得应用能够在Android设备上运行。首先,需要准备一个支持Android平台的配置,这通常涉及到在项目的根目录
问题概况 使用环境:MacOS m2 air (arm64架构,使用electron-builder作为打包工具) 打包命令:"build:mac": "tsc && vite build && electron-builder" 使用版本: { "electron-builder": "^24.6.3", "vite-plugin-electron": "^0.28.2", "vite-plugin-electron-renderer": "^
npm run build&&npmexecelectron-builder --mac Optionally add your frontend builder (for example CRA, see example below) Using with Create React App In this example we will use CRA andelectron-builder, although it should be similar with any other framework too. ...
I should be able to open the app after it is placed in the application folder. Current Behavior After it tells me to the put the app into the application folder and then i try to run the app, I get an error. Error Report: Process: ElectronReact [7130] Path: /Applications/ElectronReac...
39.Package & Test Our App 40.Project Intro 41.React-Electron Boilerplate Setup 42.Log State & Table 43.LogItem Component 44.Formatting Dates With Moment 45.AddLogItem Component 46.Adding a Log (UI Only) 47.Displaying Alerts 48.Deleting a Log (UI Only) 49.Setup MongoDB Atlas 50.Connect...
electron-vite brings Vite capabilities to Electron app development. See how to use it to build a simple Electron app with a React frontend.
我正在创建一个运行从 create-react-app 生成的反应的电子。然后我添加 nedbjs(持久性数据库)和 camojs(nedb 的 ODM)作为依赖项。为了连接与 nedb 的反应,我使用 electron ipc。 这是我的项目结构: 这是我的 package.json: "scripts": { "start": "react-scripts start", "build": "react-scripts build...
basic-ts- A basic example with typescript using the basic configuration of electron-esbuild. react-ts- An example with react and typescript using the basic configuration of electron-esbuild with esbuild loaders for renderer process. svelte-ts- An example with svelte and typescript using the ba...
"@openid/appauth": "^1.3.0", "@types/react": "^16.14.2", "@types/react-dom": "^16.9.10", "electron": "^11.1.1", "material-design-lite": "^1.3.0", "@types/crypto-js": "^4.0.1", "@types/node": "^14.14.20",
Get https://service.electron.build/find-build-agent?no-cache=1fe6hd7: dial tcp con,程序员大本营,技术文章内容聚合第一站。