reworked the makefile to install both Tcllib and Tcllibc by default. requires critcl. updated installer guide to match.master andreas-kupries committed Sep 19, 2024 1 parent 41ef3f1 commit 9d6b62e Showing 10 changed files with 301 additions and 134 deletions. Whitespace Ignore whitespace ...
tclbuildtest.tcl mingw-w64-msmtp mingw-w64-mtex2MML mingw-w64-mtn mingw-w64-mumps mingw-w64-muparser mingw-w64-mypaint-brushes mingw-w64-mypaint-brushes2 mingw-w64-mypaint mingw-w64-nana mingw-w64-nanodbc mingw-w64-nanovg mingw-w64-nasm mingw-w64-ncurses m...
拜求英文高手、达人——Orz我们知道TCL即 The Creative Life 三个英文单词首字母的缩写,意为创意感动生活.是TCL集团股份有限公司的简称.Build Your Dream(成就你的梦想)是BYD比亚迪公司的广告语.
projects -buildI would like the build to fail if any project has compiler errors. Right now our build system has no way of knowing whether compilation has succeeded since `xsct /path/to/script.tcl` does not yield an error upon a failing build. Even though the build clearly failed in the...
Byline: PAT NOLANSERVING an apprenticeship as an inter-county wing-forward can be a steep learning curve at times, but Paul Flynn feels he's getting there.In the modern game of Gaelic football the positions of 10 and 12 have changed arguably more than any other.As well as offering a ...
Hi I am trying to build a project file from a flat directory containing several thousand source files. I am opening a vivado project and running a tcl file to do this. <...
The new aD 'Orable campaign, which launched in June 2005, is the first time Carte D'Or has set out to have a direct dialogue with its consumers online. It is using television, press and direct mail to drive ice-cream buffs to a microsite designed to garner consumer data and opinions....
tclbuildtest.tcl mingw-w64-phodav mingw-w64-phonon-qt5 mingw-w64-physfs mingw-w64-pidgin mingw-w64-pinentry mingw-w64-pixman mingw-w64-pkg-config mingw-w64-pkgconf mingw-w64-plasma-framework-qt5 mingw-w64-plplot mingw-w64-png2ico mingw-w64-pngcrush mingw-w6...
Package scripts for MinGW-w64 targets to build under MSYS2. - MINGW-packages/mingw-w64-msmpi/tclbuildtest.tcl at 591d5bc677484ebd8e50659c7280c3846c35dd52 · raphamorim/MINGW-packages
Package scripts for MinGW-w64 targets to build under MSYS2. - MINGW-packages/mingw-w64-msmpi/tclbuildtest.tcl at 9bcfb5cd02ad405a2a79ea8195ff001f099f439d · yujincheng08/MINGW-packages