You can now verify that everything works by addingdocker infoto.gitlab-ci.yml: before_script:-docker infobuild_image:script:-docker build -t my-docker-image .-docker run my-docker-image /script/to/run/tests You can now usedockercommand and installdocker-composeif needed. Note: By addingg...
如今有越来越多的 CI 产品,如 AWS CodeBuild,Google Cloud 以及 gitlab ci,支持构建环境的按需生成,针对用户的每一次 build,都会生成一个全新的构建环境。相对比于不隔离的单机构建方式,CI 构建环境让 docker build 过程更安全以及易于管理, 但同时也带来了一些效率上的影响。这篇文章将会从一个简单的 Golang ...
21-Giitlab-CI+yml语法说明.avi 腾飞说架构 222 0 24-Registry公网https带认证部署.mp4 腾飞说架构 137 0 23-本地部署Registry.avi 腾飞说架构 127 0 17-Gitlab安装 (1) 腾飞说架构 573 0 13-Docker+Network.mp4 腾飞说架构 156 0 11-Mysql+EF+Core+快速构建+web+api.avi 腾飞说架构 652 0 ...
When pulling the image, use the new tag. When building an Image, make sure to use the new tag in the FROM instruction of the Dockerfile. 1 Like Related topics TopicRepliesViewsActivity Help on "ERROR [internal] load metadata for"...
Docker On Docker 的模式,这是因为 Kubernetes 集群使用的是 Docker 这种容器运行时,所以我们可以将宿...
When pulling the image, use the new tag. When building an Image, make sure to use the new tag in the FROM instruction of the Dockerfile. 1 Like Related topics TopicRepliesViewsActivity Help on "ERROR [internal] load metadata for" ...
$sudo usermod -aG docker gitlab-runner Verify thatgitlab-runnerhas access to Docker: $sudo -u gitlab-runner -H docker info You can now verify that everything works by addingdocker infoto.gitlab-ci.yml: before_script:-docker infobuild_image:script:-docker build -t my-docker-image .-do...
$sudo usermod -aG docker gitlab-runner Verify thatgitlab-runnerhas access to Docker: $sudo -u gitlab-runner -H docker info You can now verify that everything works by addingdocker infoto.gitlab-ci.yml: before_script:-docker infobuild_image:script:-docker build -t my-docker-image .-do...
Use Docker to build Docker images (FREE) You can use GitLab CI/CD with Docker to create Docker images. For example, you can create a Docker image of your application, test it, and publish it to a container registry.To run Docker commands in your CI/CD jobs, you must configure Git...
我有一个 .gitlab-ci.yml 文件,其中包含以下内容: image: docker:latest services: - docker:dind before_script: - docker info - docker-compose --version buildJob: stage: build tags: - docker script: - docker-compose build 但在ci-log 我收到消息: $ docker-compose --version /bin/sh: eval...