That’s all you need to start building desktop applications with Electron! In this blog, I’ll walk you through creating a secure Electron app using TypeScript, AppAuth-JS, and OpenID Connect (OIDC). By the end, you’ll know how to implement authentication and ensure your Electron app p...
Quick start & Electron Fiddle UseElectron Fiddleto build, run, and package small Electron experiments, to see code examples for all of Electron's APIs, and to try out different versions of Electron. It's designed to make the start of your journey with Electron easier. ...
This is a hands on, project based course on learning how to build and package cross-platform desktop applications using Electron. Many popular apps including VSCode, Slack and Skype are built on Elect
In order to make an Ext JS application executable, you’ll need to build the application using Sencha Cmd and then package the application with Electron. The principles for packaging an HTML5 mobile app using Apache Cordova or Adobe PhoneGap are very similar to those for packaging an HTML5 a...
npx electron . It is alive! In fact, any Java application can be started using this approach, you can run your existing Spring Boot application or tomcat with a deployed WAR file. There is no limitation to use only Vaadin! Feel free to start your favorite backend!
Feathers UImay be used to buildElectrondesktop applications with HTML/JS. Note: Consider using a different target than Electron for creating desktop applications, such as native C++ (with theWindows,macOS, andLinuxtargets). While Electron is technically available for OpenFL, other targets are more ...
Learn to Build Cross Platform Desktop Applications using Github's ElectronBook © 2017 Overview Authors: Chris Griffith , Leif Wells Written by seasoned developers who have used Electron in the field and released two successful Electron-based applications Includes fully-functional app examples that ...
I'm trying to build a setup file in Electron with electron-builder but it's always giving me an error. I'm running in the latest version on electron, npm and nodejs.{ "name": "whatsapp", "version": "1.0.0", "description": "WhatsApp software", "main": "main.js", "scripts":...
applications that can run on multiple operating systems or platforms. For example, a cross-platform mobile app developed using React Native or Flutter can be used on both iOS and Android devices, while a cross-platform desktop application developed using Electron can be used on both Windows and ...
drawio-desktop is a diagramming desktop app based on Electron that wraps the core editor. Download built binaries from the releases section. Can I use this app for free? Yes, under the apache 2.0 license. If you don't change the code and accept it is provided "as-is", you ...