BuildDataSet() 生成一个 CoverageDS 数据集。 BuildDataSet(Boolean) 使用所提供的是否在所有测试中生成汇总数据集和覆盖率数据中生成模块的规范,生成 CoverageDS 数据集。该类及其成员保留供内部使用,不应在代码中使用。 BuildDataSet(IEnumerable<Guid>) 使用提供的测试 GUID 列表生成 CoverageDS 数据集。该类及其成...
Expand the data connection you created in Server Explorer, and then expand the Tables node. Drag the Customers table from Server Explorer onto the Dataset Designer. A Customers data table and CustomersTableAdapter are added to the dataset.
'宣告 Public Function BuildDataSet ( _ tests As IEnumerable(Of Guid), _ modules As IEnumerable(Of String) _ ) As CoverageDS 參數 tests 型別:System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<Guid> 要用來建置資料集之測試的 GUID 清單。 modules 型別:System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<String> 要用來建置資...
声明PublicFunctionBuildDataSet ( _ summaryOnlyAsBoolean_ )AsCoverageDS 参数 summaryOnly 类型:System.Boolean 如果数据集中只包含模块信息,则为 true;将包括所有覆盖面数据的 false。 返回值 类型:Microsoft.VisualStudio.Coverage.Analysis.CoverageDS CoverageDS数据集。
The Network Data model contains the network line data and the network junction Point Dataset, as well as the Topology between the two. In the Network Dataset, the Line Dataset is the primary Dataset, and the Point Dataset is the child Dataset....
Constructs or updates a LAS dataset display cache, which optimizes its rendering performance. Learn more about the LAS dataset pyramid Usage The tool creates a LAS dataset pyramid, which optimizes the rendering of multiple LAS files. It is only possible to construct a LAS dataset pyramid if the...
ArcGIS geoprocessing tool that inserts the Cached Raster function into the function chain for items within a mosaic dataset.
In this paper, we present how to build a curb dataset with LiDAR data for autonomous driving highly automatically. Semantic High Definition map (SHD map) Road HD map (RHD map) Curb Instance map (CI map) I'm not sure the reason why they didn't use the information from camera. And the...
Label data faster OCI Data Labeling provides custom templates and multiple annotation formats. Label data according to the needs of machine learning models. Annotate images, text, or documents in just three steps: Create a dataset by loading data, annotating it, and exporting it. ...
This dataset amalgamates synthetic and actual time series along with ground truth concept drift locations, facilitating a comprehensive evaluation of concept drift detection techniques. A novel, lightweight concept drift detection method, which integrates supervised methodologies with statistical met...