So, that’s when Mr. Crumbs discovered a bunch of scrap wood lying around from a construction site and decided to use that to build some cheap raised garden beds. In addition to the other materials we needed for this project, the total was around $15! Now that’s what I call smart s...
But let’s start from the beginning and give a definition. When we say “raised garden bed” or simply “raised bed,” we’re referring to a freestanding box or frame—traditionally with no bottom or top—that sits aboveground in a sunny spot filled with good-quality soil. Raised beds ar...
One of the many benefits of a raised garden bed is that your plants benefit from good air circulation and at least 6 hours of sun daily. But there are times when the elements can be a little too extreme. A covered support structure positioned over your raised beds protects plants from fro...
DIY Raised Beds You’d be amazed at what you can use to create raised garden beds. My partner assembled some of hers from fallen hardwood trees, and I’ve built several from local stones. We’ve also repurposed cinder blocks, wood, and other materials from old ruins we’ve found in th...
DIY ideas for gardeners are a great way to save money while still getting the most out of your gardens. Whether you are looking to build raised beds, start a compost pile, or build a greenhouse, there are plenty of projects that can help add value and appeal to any garden. In this gu...
even cooler, if I decide to expand beds, change their shape, move them, or make them smaller, I just move the bricks one by one. Did I mention they’re cheap? But hey, you can use whatever you want to make your raised beds. Just adapt these instructions to fit your needs!
31. Cheap Pallet Barrier Plan Build an eco-friendly garden barrier using upcycled wooden pallets. It's cost-effective and simple: align pallets vertically and secure them with stakes or durable twine. This DIY project not only recycles but also adds a rustic charm to your outdoor space. ...
Cheap IKEA-style DIY bed frames with storage DIY storage bed frames with wheels Vintage DIY storage beds I wasn’t kidding when I said we’ve got something for everyone! The Best Ideas for Farmhouse Style Who doesn’t love farmhouse-style furniture? It’s timeless, classy, and adds a to...
Some growers build a hoop house directly over raised beds or in-ground plantings. Some like to have a concrete foundation poured for their DIY greenhouses that is level and easy to clean. Q: What temperature is too cold for a greenhouse? A: It, again, depends on the plants you’d ...
Over time, I raked that over to the edges to fill out the raised beds inside. This was a great way to make sure the frame was even and level. Here’s a better picture of the log details. Though we used roof panels from a previous greenhouse, it’s easy to construct your own!