《How Lucky Can You Get》- Barbra Streisand - 出自《Funny Lady》(俏佳人) 04:51 1974 《Blazing Saddles》出自(闪亮的马鞍) 14:29 1974 《The Little Prince》 - Richard Kiley - 出自(小王子) 03:56 1974 《We May Never Love Like This Again》- Maureen McGovern -出自《The Towering Infe 02:...
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Author TheMaverickProgrammer commented Mar 3, 2023 @TheMaverickProgrammer, Thanks for posting this issue, I can install discord-game-sdk:x64-windows successfully on my machine with windows11 vs2022: PS F:\test\vcpkg> ./vcpkg install discord-game-sdk:x64-windows --editable Computing installatio...
I can see most of the people have found the solution to this problem, this is mostly coused but not limited to missing packages, this happened to me after I have purged mysql and reinstalled it. I had to run this command in order to fix my problem: sudo apt-get install libmysqlclient-...
now i am using MAC OSX MAVERICK and I'm trying to create a shared library within an Android project in eclipse to use it via JNI calls, but when I execute the build command (ndk-build) I receive the following error: Android NDK: WARNING: APP_PLATFORM android-18 is larger than android...
Yours Truly The BUYG Staff BUYG Staff Members: AceRay Aragond Osric Rucke Maverick24 Colt M14 mark-2007 Masterkraft skramz vinnygorgeous WelcomeToLibertyCity ___ HOW TO JOIN Just post your first story, for which gang and at which location it is set, and when Staff get around to rating ...
maverick019 mentioned this issue Jan 15, 2019 Segmapper build failure #128 Closed RZin commented Mar 10, 2019 I am sorry for writing here. I followed segmap/readme.md and this issue108 to compile segmapper. In short I have the following setup: Ubuntu 16.04 tf-gpu-1.8.0 Python 3.5...
If there is any way possible to obtain at least the names of the owners so we can give much deserved credit where it is due, please do. I am aquainted with several of the owners here, but I do not know most of them. Also, if possible, but not important, get a location as well...
Can Ubuntu 11.04 work with LTIB? I need to know as well so that I can install the right version. Otherwise, a lot of time will be wasted. 0 Kudos Reply 11-21-2011 10:00 AM 22,133 Views AdCmo Contributor III Hake, Can you please list the latest ...
Why am I doing this? First, I want to find out if allowing the power of Google, Yahoo and all the other search engines to scoop up every page might not elevate YouCanDraw.com and it's sister sites to the top of the search engines. And what does that do? It allows us top adverti...