Build Anywhere Cheat You may install your structures wherever you want with The Sims 4 Build Anywhere cheat instead of having to obey those pesky regulations like ‘grids’ or ‘protected zones,’ which would normally limit where your next home or extension can go. Moreover, skip the spatial ...
By holding the ALT key when you place something, the grid will be ignored and you will be free to place it anywhere. Things moved this way will still have the footprint that says how many squares of floor space is needed. Unless you also use the moveobjects cheat, items cannot share th...
Use the curved arrows to rotate the lot 90 degrees in that direction. Click the middle symbol to “grab” the structure and enable free movement. You can now move it anywhere on the lot it will fit. You will see a green footprint outline on the ground to make it easier to tell where...
One of the better features to be added to build mode is the ability to move an entire room anywhere on the lot. Select a room and you will see a selection menu in the middle of the room. Hover over it and you will have the choice to change the height of the wall, to rotate the...
Remove all your mods and CC, delete localthumbcache.package in The Sims 4 folder and try again. Especially look for updates to UI mods, and the UI Cheat mods. 2 + XP #13 Next Hero Post ↓ January 2020 - last edited January 2020 Options crinrict Hero @SpellCzechMe I merged y...