4.2. The app (.apk)The .apk file is an Android application packaged file that stores the Android app. If the build has been correctly signed, the app can be installed on a real device and deployed to the Play Store. If the build hasn't been signed, the app can run on an emulator...
After an application has been coded, you have to test it. And to test the app you should create APK (.apk) file firstly. Below is how I do that (for Android application powered by Xamarin): 1. Right-click at your Android project: open ‘Properties’ tab.
免費下載 Visual Studio IDE 或 VS Code。 在 Windows、Mac 上試用 Visual Studio Professional 或 Enterprise 版本。
Using the NDK integrationUsing the NDK integration with Gradle in Visual Studio is easy. Typically you would need to add the ndk {} section in your model section for your module specific build.gradle.template file and potentially also use the android.sources section to provide JNI source set ...
Or maybe you have tried building native mobile apps with Android or iOS but didn’t like the languages? Well then, you are in luck! The .NET world has been blessed with Xamarin; a set of tools that lets you build mobile apps for Android, iOS, and Windows within Visual Studio. ...
識別碼:Microsoft.VisualStudio.Workload.XamarinBuildTools 描述:使用C# 與 .NET MAUI,從單一程式碼基底建置 Android、iOS、Windows 和 Mac 應用程式。 此工作負載所包含的元件 展開表格 元件識別碼名稱版本相依性類型 android 適用於 Android 的 .NET SDK 必要 Component.OpenJDK OpenJDK (Microsoft 散發...
更新Visual Studio 修改Visual Studio 修復Visual Studio 卸載Visual Studio 發行日期 & 組建編號 系統管理員指南 在裝置、VM 和容器上使用 在Azure 虛擬機上使用 在Arm 支援的裝置上使用 將建置工具安裝至容器 安裝至 Docker 容器 進階容器範例 教程 AI 輔助開發 ...
Go to the Build service in App Center. Choose GitHub as the selected service. Sign in to GitHub, and click Authorize AppCenter. Choose sampleapp-android.Configure the buildChoose the main branch. Click Configure build. The Build configuration panel will show up. The default setting for build ...
我们平时写完程序以后,在Visual Studio中右击build,我们的程序就编译完了。那么点击build之后到底发生了什么事情?如果没有Visual Studio我们该如何进行编译?这就是MSBuild提供的功能,下面将以一些例子来一步步的说明它的用法。 场景: 有一个.cs文件,想用MSBuild将它编译成一个exe文件. ...
Using Visual C++ Cross-Platform MobileAs stated above, Visual Studio 2015 supports the development of C/C++ projects that can be targeted to Android, iOS, and Windows platforms. Be sure to select Xamarin and Visual C++ for Cross-Platform Mobile Development during installation....