$ npx create-react-app my_react 1. 2、安装依赖 本项目用到的依赖可以预先安装好: antd redux与react-redux react-router-dom axios $ npm i antd redux react-redux react-router-dom@6 axios --save 1. 3.配置路由 (根据项目分析需要几个页面,以及页面之间的关系) /* App > List + Edit + Means...
8 React env variables with .env 0 Cannot set env with create-react-app 12 Create-React-App not reading environment variable from docker-compose.yml 2 Create-React-App: .env file doesn't parse correctly 1 docker compose with create react app procedure undefined environment v...
Added new 'ui' service configuration using a custom Docker image doc/deploy/docker-compose.yml Modified GitHub Actions workflow to build and push Docker image Renamed existing build steps for clarity (e.g., 'Cache Clean' to 'Cache Clean UI') Added steps to log in to Aliyun Docker registry...
esbuild create react app is a minimal replacement for create react app using a truly blazing fast esbuild bundler. Up and running in less than 1 minute with almost zero configuration needed. ? To get started please choose a template Javascript ❯ Typescript 安装完成后,我们需要进入 site 中 ...
react build文件上传cos然后部署到docker react 大文件上传,最近做了大文件(文件夹)分片上传的需求,记录一下。原理:前端进行大文件分片上传的方案几乎都是利用Blob.prototype.slice方法对文件进行分片,用数组将每一个分片存起来,最后将分片发给后端。由于并发的原因
Dockerfile, you can host pretty much any database you want with ourApplication Hosting. Even something like a Microsoft SQL Server database, which isn’t supported on ourDatabase Hosting, can be deployed. If you can containerize it with a Dockerfile, you can deploy it on Application ...
Prerequisites Set up OneDev Create a project Create a sample React app Push your code Create a job to build and test your code Create a job to deploy your code What’s next? Introducing Galileo AI LogRocket’s Galileo AI watches every session, surfacing impactful user struggle and key behav...
我的yaml有两个阶段CI和CD。我的CI阶段有一份叫做BuildandDeploy.的工作CD阶段有一个部署任务。我正在使用通用的工件发布和下载同样的东西。在CD阶段,我使用UniversalPackages devops任务下载工件。我知道还有两个变量可以使用$(Build.BuildId)和$(Build.BuildNumber)。作为一项临时工作,我很难为通用工件编写软件包...
With Visual Studio, you can easily build, debug, and run containerized ASP.NET Core apps, including those with client-side JavaScript such as React.js single-page app, and publish them to Azure Container Registry, Docker Hub, Azure App Service, or your own Container Registry. In this articl...
"react":"^17.0.2" To also set the Node.js and npm versions in your React application, include the following in your application’spackage.jsonfile: "engines": {"node":"^16.14.0","npm":"^8.3.1"} PHP Info Buildpacks support the currentlysupported PHP versions; once a PHP version reach...