So, that’s when Mr. Crumbs discovered a bunch of scrap wood lying around from a construction site and decided to use that to build some cheap raised garden beds. In addition to the other materials we needed for this project, the total was around $15! Now that’s what I call smart s...
But let’s start from the beginning and give a definition. When we say “raised garden bed” or simply “raised bed,” we’re referring to a freestanding box or frame—traditionally with no bottom or top—that sits aboveground in a sunny spot filled with good-quality soil. Raised beds ar...
How to Build a Raised Garden Bed Looking for a way to grow more flowers or vegetables in your small yard? Consider building a raised garden bed to give yourself plenty of space to grow healthy, hearty plants. Keep reading to learn the benefits of a raised garden bed, as well as a step...
A raised bed can solve various garden problems, especially if your yard has hard-packed, poor soil. Rather than trying to dig a new garden bed in the ground, a raised bed lets you rise above it all. Besideshaving fewer weedsto deal with,growing in elevated bedscan eliminate some bending ...
Making a raised garden bed is an easy weekend project even for a novice. You can find ready-to-assemble kits online, or you can simply make your own, custom-created beds from common hardware supplies. Here’s how to do it, from placement to potting soil to plants. Tools You'll Need ...
How to Build a Raised Flower Bed Garden in 12 Simple Steps ((I'd like to thank Lowe's for this excellent tutorial fromtheir Youtube! – Watch the entire video at the bottom of this post.)) Step 1 Choose the location of your flower bed. There are certain things you have to consider...
Building raised beds is an excellent DIY project for those wanting to grow their own food. You’ll just need a few tools and some hard workers. See a step-by-step slideshow of one of our columnistscreating a raised bed garden.
Now that you've learned how to build a raised garden bed, build a cover for it to protect those precious plants from the elements.
1. Two Tier Garden Bed This raised garden bed has a very unique style. It is actually two-tier. Meaning it has a stair-step appearance. The really cool thing about this design is that you can plant on both levels. So, if you have something you want to plant that might be taller th...