1Create an Unreal level You can either start with the01_CesiumWorldlevel from theCesium for Unreal Sampleson the Unreal Engine Marketplace or create a new level. If starting a new level, make sure to populate the level with at leastCesium World Terrainand some lighting, either withCesiumSunSky...
Unreal Engine unfortunately does not use the default Windows proxy settings by default (are you even on Windows? You haven’t said.) Some users have been able to get Unreal Engine to use a proxy by setting an environment variable: Error connecting Cesium to Unreal Cesium for Unreal...
Just a guess: does std::any require a compiler feature (such as RTTI) that is not available or disabled on the Quest 2? If that were the case, I would expect loading any tile with EXT_structural_metadata would fail on that device. So: does the Cesium for Unreal Samples project, parti...
Hello, Is it possible to you to add compiled binaries for Apple Vision Pro? It's a new target on 5.4. Best,Member kring commented May 30, 2024 We don't have a Vision Pro, but we welcome a pull request that adds support if you're up for it! Author demonixis commented May 30,...
Compilation warning for a material: The material /CesiumForUnreal/Materials/M_CesiumBaseMaterial.M_CesiumBaseMaterial failed to compile for the platform PCD3D_SM6. As a result, the default material will be used in the game. Shader issue during packaging for Windows: The shader is using too ma...
1Create an Unreal level You can either start with the01_CesiumWorldlevel from theCesium for Unreal Sampleson the Unreal Engine Marketplace or create a new level. If starting a new level, make sure to populate the level with at leastCesium World Terrainand some lighting, either withCesiumSunSky...
Hi, I have a plugin that uses CesiumForUnreal which I’m trying to package. The packaging process failed when the UnrealBuildTool try to build and package the plugin for Win32 Development. This is the command it runs: R…
Bringing the 3D geospatial ecosystem to Unreal Engine - cesium-unreal/.github/workflows/build.yml at v2.8.0 · CesiumGS/cesium-unreal
Unreal Engine project, assets, and code used in the Cesium for Unreal VR Tutorial Series - Merge pull request #32 from CesiumGS/build-for-quest · CesiumGS/cesium-unreal-vr-tutorial@281791a
Bringing the 3D geospatial ecosystem to Unreal Engine - cesium-unreal/.github/workflows/buildLinux.yml at v2.8.0 · CesiumGS/cesium-unreal