Offers help for launching your own private intranet. Sharing of data as a priority; Publishing of existing company data; Improving customer service; The ease in putting material on an intranet server; Recording and tracking project information; ...
建立Intranet网络平台的一种方案 来自掌桥科研 作者孙晓鹏,周伟,刘文权摘要 从建立Intranet提高办公自动化水平的需求出发,结合笔者单位Intranet网络建设的实例,提出了一种建立Intranet网络平台的方案. 该方案通过采用快速以太网技术和基于Windows NT的软件平台,使得Intranet具有... ...
In fact, from the moment you write the first business plan, you’ve created a core document for your knowledge base. When considering the timing and benefits, it's essential to compare corporate wiki vs other knowledge management tools like modern intranet systems and internal knowledge base ...
Hi there, My company is looking to update an intranet application to programmatically create a Teams meeting through Teams API. I read through the Teams API document. It appears that the first step would be to register an app in Azure Portal, since "c...
Hi there, My company is looking to update an intranet application to programmatically create a Teams meeting through Teams API. I read through the Teams API document. It appears that the ...Show More Developer Meetings Microsoft Teams ReplyShare...
We realized there’s a social process to it. That’s when we knew that what we were creating was a social network–it was an aha moment. We thought, the intranet is a real chore. How can we make this more playful?” The team met every day in a small room to refine their plans....
As such, employers are incentivized to invest in the employee experience and communicate it to the overall business community as part of their company’s mission. Five ways to improve your employee experience strategy Focusing on providing a positive employee experience is the first responsibility. Bu...
Though it’s often a perfectly suitable option to launch your video on the companyLMSor learning platform, certain videos might do just as well on the organization’s intranet. 7.Go for speed. However you choose to create your videos, go for a tool that will enable you to get them out...
1. Identify the purpose of your company employee portal. “First and foremost, companies should understand clearly why they need to create an employee portal,” says Sandra Lupanova, SharePoint & Office365 evangelist atitransition.A few sample goals of an employee portal might be: ...
Description Many of us in the tech world know that the driving force behind Google+, Vic Gundotra, has left the company and ever since that departure, G+ has seen less of a prominent place in Google”™s limelight, some claiming that Google is actively moving t… ...