Build A Bear WorkshopBuild-A-Bear Workshop金泰迪工作室是一個經營顧客自己動手做的填充玩具的全球性領頭品牌。自1997年美國聖路易斯創辦品牌以來,成功發展成在世界各地擁有700家店的國際品牌,全世界的小朋友大朋友在其店內已創造了共1. 7億個毛絨朋友。30多種卡通動物形象可選擇及製作、數百種琳琅滿目的服裝和...
Build-A-Bear Workshop Build-A-Bear Workshop, was first introduced to China from America by Harrys-Kinderactive , having obtained the exclusive rights to operate in mainland China for 25 years. In the growing parent-child industry, we provide the world-leading products, experiences and services...
最近访问:Bear Workshop Inc --- 全球指数美股行情美股吧国际期货 - -- 今开: - 最高价: - 成交量: - 外盘: - 昨收: - 最低价: - 成交额: - 内盘: - 总股本: - 振幅: - 换手率: - 每股收益TTM: - 总市值: - 市净率MRQ: -
Build-A-Bear Workshop: Digital Transformation, Different Stores, And UndervaluedLondon Stock Market ResearchTue, Oct. 01, 20243 Comments Build-A-Bear Workshop Shows Great Demand Momentum In Q2Caffital ResearchThu, Aug. 29, 20242 Comments Build-A-Bear Workshop: Market's Overreaction To Q1 Result...
Bear Builder(在职员工)-London, Greater London-2017年7月3日 Fun place to work however sometimes shifts are cut at short notice. Everyone is very friendly and every day is different, I have learned how to work well in a team and how to approach customers of all different backgrounds. ...
Build-A-Bear Workshop is a global brand that operates in the retail and entertainment industry. The company offers customizable stuffed animals and related accessories, allowing customers to create their own unique furry friends. The company primarily sells to consumers in the retail sector. It was...
Build-A-Bear Workshop Inc. Lauds Young Huggable Heroes
Louis in 1997, Build-A-Bear Workshop is a trusted, beloved brand that has been part of countless life moments for more than 20 years. We operate approximately 400 stores worldwide—including company-owned stores in the United States, Canada, Ireland, Paris, Milan, Colombia, and the United ...
Build-A-Bear Workshop, Inc. 股票数据图表技术分析 选择股份类别 Build-A-Bear Workshop 最新股价38.19更改 %0.98 添加到投资组合 添加到观察表 添加到预警 最近的10笔交易USD 时间最新股价成交量(股) 10:44:50 PM / 2/10/202537.801 10:20:00 PM / 2/10/202538.1914 ...
商标名称 BUILD-A-BEAR WORKSHOP 国际分类 第24类-布料床单 商标状态 商标续展 申请/注册号 3609700 申请日期 2003-06-27 申请人名称(中文) 博德比尔工场股份有限公司;BUILD-A-BEARWORKSHOP,INC. 申请人名称(英文) - 申请人地址(中文) 美国密苏里州(63114-5760)圣路易市英纳贝特商业中心大街1954号;1954 INNERBE...