商标名称 BUILD-A-BEAR WORKSHOP 国际分类 第24类-布料床单 商标状态 商标续展 申请/注册号 3609700 申请日期 2003-06-27 申请人名称(中文) 博德比尔工场股份有限公司;BUILD-A-BEARWORKSHOP,INC. 申请人名称(英文) - 申请人地址(中文) 美国密苏里州(63114-5760)圣路易市英纳贝特商业中心大街1954号;1954 INNERBE...
EBSCO_bspFdch Regulatory Intelligence Database
Build-A-Bear Workshop Build-A-Bearville build-down Build-For-Change Build-Lease-Transfer Build-Operate-Own Build-Operate-Own-Transfer Build-Operate-Transfer Build-out Build-out Build-out Build-out Build-out build-outs Build-Own-Lease-Transfer ...
000131492 成立日期: 2003-04-21 企查查编码: QUS2RSRUG7 办公地址: - 基本信息 企业注册号 000131492 企业名称 BUILD-A-BEAR FOUNDATION, INC. 成立日期 2003-04-21 企业类型 - 注册地 RHODE ISLAND(罗德岛州) 管辖区域 - 代理人/机构名称 CORPORATION SERVICE COMPANY ...
HAP依赖HAR A,HAR A依赖HAR B,HAP能否调用HAR B提供的接口?如果不支持间接依赖HAR,这么设计的原因是什么? 通过resourceManager.getStringResource接口获取HSP资源文件报“Resource id invalid”错误 HAP/HAR/HSP的关系是什么?是否都可以声明注册Ability和Page?三种类型分别推荐哪些的使用场景?选择原则是什么 如何跨...
Select a language: hormiga ant [ænt]N→hormigaf to have ants in one's pants→teneravispasen elculo Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, ...
based in Shanghai to radiate to surrounding cities 3 4 2010 Annual Report of SRCB | Important Notice Important Notice ● The Board of Directors and directors of the Company assure that there are no false representations, misleading statements or material omissions in this Report and bear several ...
Smart Device Programming with Visual Studio .NET 2003 How Do I: Use the Data Generation Wizard to Create a Data-bound Data Generation Plan? Scott Burmester Windows CE 5.0 Platform Builder Documentation (January 27, 2005) Web Services SQL Server Express - What's Next Windows Imaging File Format...
Things change dramatically with IIS 6.0 (which ships with Windows® Server 2003). To begin with, inetinfo.exe is no longer used to service HTTP requests (although it remains in place to service other protocols, like FTP). Instead, HTTP requests are queued in a kernel-mode service, http....