They are known to feed on plants in the families Cucurbitaceae (gourds), Fabaceae, Malavaceae (includes Okra, cotton, and many others), and Solanaceae (Tomato, eggplant, capsicum, potato, etc). There’s a good bit of information online in the form of Google Books that I can’t figure ...
Plant lice leave a clear, sticky residue on plants. They usually attack the undersides of leaves first. In advanced infestations, the clear sticky substance crusts and scales over. Check the undersides of leaves regularly for signs of plant lice. Did you plant herbs this year? yes no Effects...
Bugs like basil just as much as humans do. Slugs and snails are major pests to basil, especially young plants. A principle of organic gardening is to grow “some for you, some for them,” meaning the critters that eat your plants. That way, you’ll have plenty of basil for your pesto...
However, unlike pirate bugs, they don’t damage plants or bite humans. Related to ticks and spiders, they look nearly identical to spider mites. Predatory mites use tiny mouthparts that extend from the top of their pear-shaped bodies to attack, pierce, and kill their prey. Typically, predato...
difference between a leaf-footed bug and a kissing bug: Kissing bugs don't have enlarged areas on their back legs. Leaf-footed bugs have strong mouthparts to suck juice out of the leaves, shoots, and fruit of plants. They probably won't bite you, but they may eat your tomato plants. ...
This morning alone I saved my plants from literally hundreds of these little monsters and myself from hours of picking! It was truly shocking. I would never have found all of the nymphs on the pumpkin leaves that were in with the corn…. Not in a million years. ...
The marigold is one of the most well-known insect-repelling plants and with good reason — they have a scent that will keep pests like mosquitoes, nematodes like cabbage worms, and other pests away. Plant marigolds to attract beneficial insects that attack and kill aphids. Ladybugs are especial...
From observations made in last two years larva of southern green stink bugs prefer especially green tomato stage while the adults of this pest attack more mature tomato. In all cases studied al individuals were observed on the basal part near the stem. During feeding, the bugs injected the ...
With their extra-long legs, robber flies are bug-eating machines that we’re thankful to have on our side. They may look intimidating, but unlike horseflies, they do not attack humans (although they can bite when threatened). Instead, they go after a number of common garden pests. Try ...
However, if you adopt a Wile E. Coyote sort of approach to them and keep devising one fiendish plan of attack after another, you have a good chance of keeping the bugs on potato plants at bay and having a bit of fun doing it!