Bugs Bunny, cartoon rabbit created by Warner Brothers as part of its Looney Tunes animated short film series. As one of the biggest stars of the so-called golden age of American animation (1928–c. 1960), he came to rival Disney’s Mickey Mouse as one of
Bugs Bunny was conceived at Leon Schlesinger’s animation unit at Warner Brothers studios. Nicknamed “Termite Terrace” because of its spartan accommodations on the Warner lot, the unit boasted some of the top names in animation, includingTex Avery,Chuck Jones,Bob Clampett, andFriz Freleng, as...
Because Bugs Bunny is a demi-god trickster (Loki or something), disguised as a rabbit purely to f*ck with everyone. He's seen Wile E.'s success and decides to screw with him and take him down a few pegs. Which is why nothing he does works on Bugs. The same with Elmer Fudd. Dud...