2025 Bugatti Tourbillon正式发布,Chiron继任者 布加迪发布全新跑车,长宽高4671/2051(含后视镜2165)/1189mm,轴距2740mm,比Chiron低33mm,更具视觉冲击力。Tourbillon名字灵感来自钟表界的陀飞轮,Tourbillon的仪表盘由超过600个零件组成,采用钛合金制造,还用上了蓝宝石和红宝石等贵价材料。搭载8.3升V16自然吸气引...
Bugatti Tourbillon:作为Chiron的继任车型,外观延续布加迪经典元素,并加入大量空气动力学和轻量化设计。新车造型灵感分别源自于Type 57 SC Atlantic、Type 41 Royale和Type 35三款车型,Tourbillon的命名灵感则是来源自于钟表陀飞轮动力搭载全新的8.3升V16自吸发动机及三电机,1800马力,0-100km/h加速时间小于2秒,0-200#...
More From Bugatti 2026 Bugatti Tourbillon Starting at $4,600,000est EPA MPG N/A C/D SAYS:Bugatti combines a legacy of craftsmanship with Rimac's EV know-how for mind-blowing performance and visceral connection in the new Tourbillon.Learn More...
布加迪发布全新跑车,长宽高4671/2051(含后视镜2165)/1189mm,轴距2740mm,比Chiron低33mm,更具视觉冲击力。Tourbillon名字灵感来自钟表界的陀飞轮,Tourbillon的仪表盘由超过600个零件组成,采用钛合金制造,还用上了蓝宝石和红宝石等贵价材料。 搭载8.3升V16自然吸气引擎,配备三电机,前2后1,引擎输出1000hp,900Nm,转速9...
全新一代布加迪-揭开新时代 Chiron的继任者 布加迪Tourbillon价值410万美元的(陀飞轮)它搭载了V16混合动力引擎,由三台电动马达推动,产生1,775马力 。纯电续航60-70km,快充时间12分钟,惊人的0-62英里每小时 - 布加迪于20240621发布在抖音,已经收获了749.0万个喜欢,来抖
全新一代布加迪 正式亮相 V16+3电机1800p 新的布加迪TOURBILLON专为永恒而设计,在每一个细节上都是真正永恒的杰作。#布加迪 #chiron #bugatti #全新 #发布会 - 布加迪于20240621发布在抖音,已经收获了568.0万个喜欢,来抖音,记录美好生活!
Bugatti Tourbillon's Gauges Are a Masterpiece French Revolution: Bugatti Tourbillon Hybrid The Cars That Inspired the Bugatti Tourbillon Hear Bugatti's New V-16 before Its June 20 Debut Bugatti Chiron Honors Renowned Type 55 Super Sport Bugatti Chiron Super Sport One-Off is Pure Art Bugatti Chiro...
在现实世界中,这一切听起来都很棒。但在车辆的CGI平行宇宙中呢?看来数字汽车内容创作者们仍在深入研究Chiron和Veyron的后继车型。例如,为了让它在性能和外观上都能脱颖而出,来自俄罗斯圣彼得堡的虚拟艺术家Aksyonov Nikita为最新的Bugatti Tourbillon准备了一种全新的疯狂色彩方案。
This sense of mechanical timelessness was a core part of the Bugatti Tourbillon journey. For a car that will be displayed on the concours lawns of this and the next centuries... Bugatti Tourbillon 1992 By 1995, Bugatti produced only 96 units of the Bugatti EB110 GT, as well as fewer than...
On the Bugatti Tourbillon, it also indicates priciness — the car starts at €3.8 million ($4.06 million) — but it's mostly a nod towards those mechanical watch makers that dare to be different. Unmistakably a Bugatti, but (partially) electric inside. Credit: Bugatti Rimac The Bugatti...