tick guard insect repellent and pest repellents natural garbage cans smelling good and keep all animals and insects out bears,raccoons,squirrels, mice, stress relief
The elderly, children, those physically injured, and other family members who may not have the physical strength to handle bugging out can be kept safe. Avoiding the panicked rush as people clog the main highways to get away. Way more storage space for all types of preps. Cons: Disadvantage...
I keep my basement clean, I put their garbage in big black bags, i give plenty heat and hot water and I pay every week to have the halls washed. I love my building and now I’m infested with bed bugs! Tenants are mad at me now! TwiceBitten says: Use DE – Diatomaceous Earth....
Free sample of Trash Out --Keeps all animals out of your basement, garage, garbage cans, shed Naturally--bears, raccoons, squirrels, skunks, rats, mice, deer, possums, groundhogs, snakes, armadillos, rabbits, dogs, cats, ants, bees, flies & maggots- 2-3 garbage can's worth You mus...