This one needs to be framed. It does not require 100 companies to make a lot of money in the markets becausefinally the number of stocks that do it for us would be less then 5 and we better make sure we have enough in them at the starting block!!! --- 'The Thoughtful Investor: ...
Managed futures accounts can subject to substantial charges for management and advisory fees. The numbers within this website include all such fees, but it may be necessary for those accounts that are subject to these charges to make substantial trading profits in the future ...
Warren Buffet巴菲特 WarrenE.BuffettbornonAugust30,1930,heisanAmericanbusinessmagnate,investor,andphilanthropistandCEOoftheBerkshireHathawayInc.Earlylife Asaboy,heshowedgreatinterestinstocksandnumbers.WarrenstudiedbusinessattheColumbiaGraduateBusinessSchoolundertheBenjaminGraham.SeveraleventsinWarren’slife •1956,...
TheMotley Fool Stock Advisoranalyst team just identified what they believe are the10 best stocksfor investors to buy now… and Toronto-Dominion Bank wasn’t one of them. The 10 stocks that made the cut could produce monster returns in the coming years. Consider whenNvidiamade ...
Haveyoueverboughtacompanywherethenumberstoldyounotto?Howmuchisquantitativeandhowmuchisqualitative? Whatisitthatreallypiquesyourinterestinastock?Whattellsyouthatitcouldbeinteresting? What'syouracquisitioncriteria?Whathasmadeyousuccessfulinthisareawheremostothershavefailed? What'syouracquisitionstrategy?Howdoyougetdea...
you’ll typically see a ratio of around one-half to two-thirds of the stocks that outperform the market. Sometimes you’ll even have a majority of underperformers that are paid for by a few large winners in these basket situations. But in this case, even with a small sample space, it...
So I try to basically look at this period from ’65 to ’22 and so you have let’s say 80 acquisitions in this 58-year period. He probably bought at least 210 stocks. I used 210 for my convenience. I get to a round number. I like to work with round numbers, but it’s probably...
I reminded her that certain types of real estate haveinherent predictability and stabilitythat you can’t get by investing in stocks, commodities, and other investment vehicles. Since real estate investors have this wonderful benefit, why should we add an unnecessary layer of risk into the mix?