Buffet R13 E-Flat – 772101 $7,350.00 New Buffet Gala B-Flat Professional The Buffet Crampon Gala clarinet emerges as an exquisite choice for professionals, skillfully marrying superior sound with aesthetic appeal. Its design integrates black nickel-plated rings and options like an Eb lever, crafte...
Buffet Crampon R13 PrestigeProfessional Bb Clarinet Features: Bb clarinet with Boehm key system, featuring 18 keys and 6 rings Unstained grenadilla body, barrel, and bell provide a hearty, projective tone Metal-capped tenons reduce the risk of performance-wrecking cracks ...
Buffet Crampon R13 Professional Bb Clarinet with Silver Plated Keys by Buffet Crampon Buy new: $3,125.00 9 used & new from $2,350.00(Visit the Bestsellers in A list for authoritative information on ...MusicVirtual Sheet Music Inc
Shop for the Buffet Crampon R13 Professional Bb Clarinet With Silver-Plated Keys in and receive free shipping and guaranteed lowest price.
The proficient bass clarinetist needs an instrument that can tackle any piece of music placed in front of them. To answer that need, Buffet Crampon has truly decked out the Prestige bass clarinet with everything you’ll need to put your skills on display. First and foremost, the power-forge...
"Sound at its purest level" has become the motto of this new family of cylindrical bores, descended from the BC20, a clarinet iconic of Buffet Crampon. The woody, centered tone conquered the world, inspiring Buffet Crampon to innovate, transform and reinvent. This new opus offers enhanced tec...
I've modelled this clarinet of a frind of mine just having some pics and a little mobile video showing me how the hell all the keys was interwoven among them.It's been crazy, but I'm pretty satisfied of it!I hope you enjoy it.:) ...
Buffet Crampon E11 Used – Very Good Originally $968.62, now $850.23 ($118.39 price drop) $968.62 $118.39 price drop $850.23 + $53.81 Shipping $869.62 $869.62 + $90.59 Shipping Buffet-Crampon E-11 Intermediate Bb Wooden Clarinet Used – Good ...
这位在 Buffet Crampon 一直是举足轻重的人物,他的设计乐器天份及贡献,直到今天仍然為 Buffet Crampon 及音乐家们的讚赏及怀念,继 R13 推出 20 餘年之后,他又设计了一支音色洁净且甜美的单 簧管 – RC.其吹奏时的稳定性,赢得整个欧洲音乐家们的讚许. RC 有 440 及 442 两种音高设计及生 產,Bb/A 调 440 ...
这位在Buffet Crampon 一直是举足轻重的人物,他的设计乐器天份及贡献,直到 利用 pdfFactory Pro 测试版本创建的PDF文档 今天仍然為Buffet Crampon及音乐家们的讚赏及怀念,继R13推出20餘年之后, 他又设计了一支音色洁净且甜美的单簧管– RC.其吹奏时的稳定性,赢得整个欧 洲音乐家们的讚许. RC 有440 及442 两种音高...