Buffet Crampon,自1825年以来,全球领先的管乐器制造商。探索我们的单簧管、萨克斯管、双簧管、英国管和巴松管,这些乐器以卓越的工艺和无与伦比的音质精心打造。
showroom.paris@buffetcrampon.com BUFFET CRAMPON CHINA OFFICE : Xuxinzhuang Industry Park, Tongzhou District, Beijing, China Phone : +86 10 8357 6226 Fax : +86 10 8357 6226 corporate-china@buffetcrampon.com customerservice.china@buffetcrampon.com SHOWROOMS : Showroom Buffet Crampon China – Boerde...
布菲(Buffet Crampon)诞生于1825年,至今已有一百多年历史。品牌来自于布菲的创始人丹尼斯·布菲的儿子让·路易·布菲和克兰蓬家族的联姻。1839年,让路易的叔叔路易斯·奥格斯特·布菲和巴黎音乐学院单簧管大师克劳斯先生合作,制造出使用联动机键的单簧管,这也是现今单簧管的起源。 2006年布菲先后收购了贝森(Besson)和古托(...
Buffet Crampon dispose d’un puissant réseau de distribution mondial avec 4 filiales, aux Etats-Unis, Japon, Chine et Allemagne, en relation directe avec plusieurs centaines de magasins de musique. En savoir plus À propos Notre ambition est de combiner tradition et modernité, savoir-faire et...
BUFFET CRAMPON, 5 rue Maurice Berteaux 78711 France mantes-the-City – corporate@buffet-group The user is informed that, at the time of his/her visits on the Site, a mechanism of follow-up of navigation of his/her computer could be implemented. The “cookies “do not make it possible ...
suppression and opposition to information relating to him/her by writing to: BUFFET CRAMPON, 5 rue Maurice Berteaux 78711 France mantes-the-City – corporate@buffet-group The user is informed that, at the time of his/her visits on the Site, a mechanism of follow-up of navigation of his/...
a我是你的白马王子 I am your white horse prince[translate] amenthol 薄荷脑[translate] aFoam makes the tireless haiquan Bay 泡沫做不倦的haiquan海湾[translate] a高一已经读完了 High one already read off[translate] a头目 Chieftain[translate] aBuffet crampon 梳妆台抽疯[translate]...
The article offers brief information on several musical instruments from several divisions of Buffet Group U.S.A which include the 3137 Challenger I trumpet from B&S, the 1180 student bass clarinet from Buffet Crampon, and the Heritage Series 6801/6802 F/Bb double horns from Han Hoyer....
suppression and opposition to information relating to him/her by writing to: BUFFET CRAMPON, 5 rue Maurice Berteaux 78711 France mantes-the-City – corporate@buffet-group The user is informed that, at the time of his/her visits on the Site, a mechanism of follow-up of navigation of his/...