Meaning _IONBF No buffer is used. _IOFBF Full buffering is used for input and output. Use buf as the buffer and size as the size of the buffer. _IOLBF Line buffering is used for text stream I/O and terminal I/O. The buffer is flushed when a newline character is used (text stre...
For newcomers, early experiences of demands and resources may serve as particularly important cues that help them make sense of the new environment, and to which they may subscribe significant meaning related to their ability to be successful (Ellis et al., 2015; Louis, 1980). Based on self-...
Meaning _IONBF No buffer is used. _IOFBF Full buffering is used for input and output. Use buf as the buffer and size as the size of the buffer. _IOLBF Line buffering is used for text stream I/O and terminal I/O. The buffer is flushed when a newline character is used (text stre...
Meaning _IONBF No buffer is used. _IOFBF Full buffering is used for input and output. Usebufas the buffer andsizeas the size of the buffer. _IOLBF Line buffering is used for text stream I/O and terminal I/O. The buffer is flushed when a newline character is used (text stream),...
Meaning _IONBF No buffer is used. _IOFBF Full buffering is used for input and output. Usebufas the buffer andsizeas the size of the buffer. _IOLBF Line buffering is used for text stream I/O and terminal I/O. The buffer is flushed when a newline character is used (text stream),...
Meaning _IONBF No buffer is used. _IOFBF Full buffering is used for input and output. Usebufas the buffer andsizeas the size of the buffer. _IOLBF Line buffering is used for text stream I/O and terminal I/O. The buffer is flushed when a newline character is used (text stream),...
Meaning _IONBF No buffer is used. _IOFBF Full buffering is used for input and output. Usebufas the buffer andsizeas the size of the buffer. _IOLBF Line buffering is used for text stream I/O and terminal I/O. The buffer is flushed when a newline character is used (text stream),...