After a thorough explanation of buffer overflows and their functionality, there are two main defense mechanisms that will be discussed in this blog: a stack canary and an Address Space Layout Randomization (ASLR). This blog will take a deeper look into these defense mechanisms, which are used ...
In the late 1980s, a buffer overflow in UNIX’s fingerd program allowed Robert T. Morris to create a worm which infected 10% of the Internet—in two days. This event launchedcybersecurityto the forefront of computer science headlines for one of the first times in history. ...
However, these tools both require the active involvement of the developer, meaning not all programs use them. Systemic protections that strive to make buffer overflows less dangerous when they do occur can protect a much greater variety of software. In recognition of this, operating system and co...
I manage to do this with a python script, I run the program in gdb and specify 500 A's to be printed, this seems to work as I then inspect the registers and the instruction pointer is 0x41414141 meaning it's overwritten it with 'A's ...
It depends on what you call buffer overflow. It is possible and easy to make software which never writes outside of a buffer. All it takes is a programming language which checks array bounds, e.g. Python, Java, C#, VB, Pascal, Ruby... in fact almost any language except C,...
Runtime Attacks : Buffer Overflow and Return-Oriented Programming Return-Into-LibcSadeghi, Prof AhmadrezaDavi, M Sc Lucas
Return-oriented Programming ROP is a cutting-edge method for getting around contemporary mitigations. To alter the program’s execution flow, a chain of already-written code sequences known as gadgets must be constructed. ROP is frequently used in conjunction with buffer overflows to enable arbitra...
The property you are looking for is called "memory safety", meaning that all memory access is well-typed and within bounds. Most high-level programming languages are specified to provide memory safety. Failure to live up to this promise would be a bug in the language implementation. Obviously...
In that case, having increased the buffer capacity doesn't do much of any good but does serve to reduce the potential of overflow later on. But if the idea of overflow is something to be avoided (from the network side), then I would simply make buffer capacity some fixed amount greater...
Improved buffer overflow protection for a computer function call stack is provided by placing a predetermined ShadowKEY value on a function's call stack frame and copying the ShadowKEY, a caller EBP,