1) Buffer mapping 缓冲区映射2) mapped buffer 映射(映象)缓冲区3) graph-mapping buffer 图形映射缓冲区4) mapped buffer 映像缓冲5) buffer area 缓冲地区;缓冲区6) buffer cache 缓冲区缓存补充资料:HⅡ区和HⅠ区 见电离氢区和中性氢区。 说明:补充资料仅用于学习参考,请勿用于其它任何用途。
(4) 以独占模式获取覆盖包含旧条目的槽的旧BufMappingLock分区 (5) 获取新的 BufMappingLock 分区并将新条目插入到缓冲表中: 创建由新的 buffer_tag 'Tag_M' 和“牺牲” buffer_id 组成的新条目 以独占模式获取覆盖包含新条目的槽的新 BufMappingLock 分区 将新条目插入缓冲表 Fig. 8.10. Loading a page ...
A process removes a page from the pool and acquires an exclusive buffer mapping lock. Causes When this event appears more than normal, possibly indicating a performance problem, the database is paging in and out of the shared buffer pool. Typical causes include the following: Large queries ...
然后就要开始读取PAGE的IO操作了,此时需要获得一个BUFFER IO锁,指示该BUFFER正在进行IO操作,从而避免在同一个BUFFER上的多个IO并发进行。 IO结束后,这个BUFFER中已经包含了我们所需要的PAGE,此时我们需要把这个BUFFER加入到HASH CHAINS里,此时就需要一个buffer mapping锁,从而便于今后BUFFER扫描定位,这个锁有点类似Oracle...
为了确认某个tag是否有对应buffer,需要拿BufMappingLock读锁。 如果有的话,需要在释放分区锁前,pin住该buffer。 如果缓冲区发生了页面替换,需要拿分区写锁,修改buf_table 分区是通过tag的哈希值的low-order bits确定的。 如果需要申请多个分区锁,需要按顺序,避免死锁。类似于常规锁的主锁表。
Depending on the target platform, GPUBuffer mapping may be implemented using one or more buffer allocations. There may be a single allocation which is addressable both by JavaScript and the GPU, or there may be multiple allocations where the WebGPU implementation inserts copies between intermediate ...
如果要修改buffer table slot内的内容, 需要加bufmappinglock exclusive lock, 注意这个是锁整个buffer table, 为了提高吞吐, PG 把buffer table分成了几个partition, 修改一个buffer table slot时, 锁这个slot对应的partition(也就是说, 同一个partition内的slot只能串行修改, 但是也大幅度减少了修改buffer table 的...
LWLock:BufferMapping (LWLock:buffer_mapping) LWLock:BufferIO (IPC:BufferIO) LWLock:buffer_content (BufferContent) LWLock:lock_manager (LWLock:lockmanager) Tempo limite:PgSleep Timeout:VacuumDelay Ajustar o RDS para PostgreSQL com insights proativos do Amazon DevOps Guru Usar extensões do Postgre...
public:intSetBufferMappingModes(unsignedintbcmmPrimary,unsignedintbcmmSecondary); Parameters bcmmPrimary UInt32 [in] A combination of flags from the_BufferCoordinatorMappingModeenumeration that specifies the mapping modes for the primary buffer. bcmmSecondary ...