Buffer Load in QlikView QVD files can be created and maintained automatically via thebufferprefix. The name of the QVDfileis a calculated name (a 160-bit hexadecimal hash of the entire following load or select statement and other discriminating info) and is typically stored in theApplication Dat...
緩衝區檔案儲存在 Buffers 子資料夾中,通常位於 C:\ProgramData\Qlik\Sense\Engine\Buffers (伺服器安裝) 或 C:\Users\{user}\Documents\Qlik\Sense\Buffers (Qlik Sense Desktop)。 QVD 檔案的名稱是一個計算名稱,整個後續 LOAD 或SELECT 陳述式和其他區別資訊的 160 位元的十六進位雜湊。這表示 QVD 緩衝區會...