I want to conduct a point-in-polygon analysis with another point dataset. Each point should be assigned to a community or be deleted when it falls outside a community (e.g. in a lake). The problem is that there are many points for lake-bordering communities that are very close to the...
Are you looking to expand your knowledge in geospatial analysis? If you are, then you should check out our freePeriodic Table for Spatial Analysis. From vector to raster, each element contains a set of spatial analysis tools. We’ve grouped common tools by color with vector analysis tools on...
Accidentally, when I removed the for loop to print every value in the sample array, it works fine, even if I had some process on the sample array. It's weird because the printf shouldn't takes more time than a FFT algorithm. Anyway, it works now. ...
. I think you have to consider adding a formatter in your tooling. There's ton of options. You can also complete your toolbox using some "static code analysis" application and trying to compile on multiple compilers with a selected set of flags to get useful warnings. Consider adding the ...
buffer analysis; real-time; visualization-oriented; tile-pyramid; parallel computing1. Introduction A buffer in a geographic information system (GIS) is defined as the zone around a spatial object, measured by units of time or distance [1]. Buffer analysis is a basic GIS spatial operation for...
This study used the Modules of Land Use Change Evaluation (MOLUSCE) plugin in QGIS to predict LULC [47] of SNP and KNP, with the latest LULC maps of the study areas (2010 and 2021 for SNP and 2010 and 2020 for KNP). Four variables were included in the analysis: elevation, slope, ...
Generation (Volume II)Advances in Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality for Smart CitiesAdvances in Computational Approaches for Spatial Analysis and ModelingAdvances in Geo-Information for Environmental Forensics and Environmental Risk Management in the AnthropoceneAdvances in Geospatial Technologies in ...