For over 200 years, Buffalo Trace Distillery has been defined by a dedication to one craft: making fine bourbon whiskey. By honoring tradition and embracing change, Buffalo Trace Distillery has earned its place of leadership among the legendary spirit makers of the world. Our Story The...
One such trail led to the banks of the Kentucky River where Buffalo Trace Distillery has been making bourbon whiskey the same way for more than 200 years. In tribute to the mighty buffalo and the rugged, independent spirit of the pioneers who followed them, we created our signature Buffalo ...
STAND STRONG Ancient buffalo carved paths through the wilderness that led American pioneers and explorers to new frontiers. One such trail led to the banks of the Kentucky River where Buffalo Trace Distillery has been making bourbon whiskey the same way for more than 200 years. In tribute to th...
Shop Buffalo Trace Gift Store for gift ideas for whiskey and bourbon-lovers. The charming, rustic products you will find at our distillery in Franklin County, Kentucky. Our Buffalo Trace gift shop carries authentic bourbon shirts, hats, whiskey glasses,
关于“水牛足迹纯波本威士忌(Buffalo Trace Straight Bourbon Whiskey, Kentucky, USA) ”的酒款综述 这是一款来自美国肯塔基州产区的波本威士忌。这款酒呈深琥珀色,散发着香草、薄荷和糖蜜的复杂香气,入口带有焦糖、香料、橡木、太妃糖、黑色水果和茴香的风味,余味悠长柔顺,具有深度。
Sam's 野牛仙踪/Buffalo Trace 美国 肯塔基纯波本威士忌 750ml 141.42元(需买2件,需用券) 京东 2024-12-20 0 2 BUFFALO TRACE 野牛仙踪波本威士忌 700ML 124元 拼多多 2024-12-22 0 4 今日必买:JIM BEAM 金宾 嗨棒礼盒款调和型威士忌750ml波本美国肯塔基州洋酒 金宾750ml 50.56元(需用券) 京东 01-02 17...
目前,水牛足迹蒸馏厂推出了水牛足迹纯波本威士忌(Buffalo Trace Straight Bourbon Whiskey)、布兰顿单桶(Blanton’s Single Barrel)和韦勒特别珍藏(Weller Special Reserve)等脍炙人口的威士忌酒款,这些酒款表现卓越,屡获殊荣。其中,布兰顿单桶是水牛足迹为了纪念对水牛足迹贡献巨大的阿尔伯特·培根·布兰顿(Albert Bacon ...
关于“水牛足迹波本奶油利口酒(Buffalo Trace Distillery Bourbon Cream Liqueur, Kentucky, USA) ”的酒款综述 这是一款来自美国肯塔基州的利口酒。这款酒带有奶油香草的风味,口感甜美柔顺。 本酒款酒庄资料ABOUT WINERY 水牛足迹(Buffalo Trace)水牛足迹(Buffalo Trace)位于美国的肯塔基州(Kentucky)产区,是一座拥有200...
在淘宝,您不仅能发现水牛足迹波本威士忌 45%VOL Buffalo Trace Bourbon Whiskey 包邮的丰富产品线和促销详情,还能参考其他购买者的真实评价,这些都将助您做出明智的购买决定。想要探索更多关于水牛足迹波本威士忌 45%VOL Buffalo Trace Bourbon Whiskey 包邮的信息,请来
目前,水牛足迹蒸馏厂推出了水牛足迹纯波本威士忌(Buffalo Trace Straight Bourbon Whiskey)、布兰顿单桶(Blanton’s Single Barrel)和韦勒特别珍藏(Weller Special Reserve)等脍炙人口的威士忌酒款,这些酒款表现卓越,屡获殊荣。其中,布兰顿单桶是水牛足迹为了纪念对水牛足迹贡献巨大的阿尔伯特·培根·布兰...