有些人在下颈椎长出一个大肿块,这个肿块包含一个脂肪垫,通常被称为水牛背Buffalo Hump。它可能是由于姿势不良、肥胖、健康问题、遗传和一些药物造成的。 在决定治疗之前,我们必须确定是什么导致了水牛背的形成。一些药物可能会导致颈部水牛背的发展。 可引发水牛背形成...
One very common euphemism is to call a neck hump a buffalo hump. I prefer the term neck hump, but they do mean the same thing; except the hump on an actual Buffalo consists of about 70 Ib of muscle used to move snow! The neck humps on humans – if due to a structural change in ...
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SCL is a slow-growing, soft, and solitary mass that does not cause tension or pain. This report presents a case of SCL that looks like a buffalo hump and limits the movements of the neck.Senen DAdanali GSevin ADeren OErdogan BDermatologic surgery...