Buffalo has today announced the HD-LCU3 Series a new line of external hard drives that goes up to 4 TB in terms of capacity. Coming in black and white (the white models top 3 TB, while the black ones reach 4 TB), the fresh drives measure 187 x 120 x 39 mm, they weigh about 1...
Aspilcueta-Borquis, R.R.; Araujo Neto, F.R.; Baldi, F.; Bignardi, A.B.; Albuquerque, L.G.; Tonhati, H. Genetic parameters for buffalo milk yield and milk quality traits using Bayesian inference. J. Dairy Sci. 2010, 93, 2195–2201. [CrossRef] [PubMed] 25. Hejtmánková, A...