orbuffalo grass(bŭf′ə-lō-grăs′) n. A mat-forming perennial grass(Bouteloua dactyloidessyn.Buchloe dactyloides)native to the plains of central North America, important as a forage grass and sometimes used for lawns. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition...
“evil,” or deserve to jump off a cliff. There are a few who are in it just for themselves, and maybe a couple more few who just like to see their names on signs on people’s lawns. But even most of those politicians have a pretty large measure of trying to do some good for ...
While I find it exciting to see any raptor, I especially enjoy watching northern harriers and short-eared owls course back and forth over grassy fields in search of prey, sometimes just above the tops of dried weed and grass stems. Both species often occur in small groups, sometimes consistin...