Nearby Weather Stations ShowingStations Hourly Forecast for Today, Wednesday 01/08Hourly for Today, Wed 01/08 Today01/08 41% /0.2in Partly cloudy skies this morning will give way to occasional snow showers during the afternoon. High 42F. Winds NW at 10 to 15 mph. Chance of snow 40%. ...
One notable exception was Ch.7, where the 6 p.m. “Eyewitness News Reel” featured the title card “Forecast: Cloudy” for the otherwise-straight Benny story. At 11, the title was changed to “Under the Weather.” The disc jockey, TV weather man and father of two was charged with thi...
A few months ago, a newbie weather guy mentioned elly-COTT-ville in a forecast. No one corrected the poor SOB and he continued to say it all morning. I’m thankful we’re to the time of year when I can experience the youthful enthusiasm with which we’re told that one shouldn’t pu...