.durationX(持续时间,默认下-1表示持续至扎营) .buff_duration_typeround(回合结束:默认) .buff_duration_typecombat_end(战斗结束:X) .buff_duration_typequest_end(任务结束:1) "duration_type" — "duration" "quest_complete" 直到整个副本完成("duration" : 1;DD本用的) "quest_end"直到任务结束("dura...
is_actor_status 人物状态触发补充:状态tagged/poisoned/ bleeding/stunned no_trinkets 不佩戴饰品 attacking_monster_type 受到攻击触发补充:unholy/man/beast/eldritch/vampire/corpse 6.3持续时间 round 回合结束 combat_end战斗结束 quest_end副本结束 quest_complete 副本完成 quest_not_complete 副本未完成 activity_e...
<stack_type value="x"/> [duration,effect,replace,ignore] 持续时间、效果、替换、忽略:追加持续时间,效果:叠加效果,替换:重置持续时间,忽略:第二次buff反弹。 <duration value="x"/> (Float) : 持续时间:以RT秒为单位的持续时间。0表示无限。214748364s是最大持续时间。 <update_rate value="x"/> (ush...
local name, _, count, debuffType, duration, expirationTime = UnitDebuff( "player", i, "RAID" ) local name, _, count, debuffType, duration, expirationTime = UnitDebuffCompat( "player", i, "RAID" ) while( name ) do if debuffType == "Disease" then break end i = i + 1 name, _...
":" Duration(icon="TMW:icon:1NaXpQcPAhrz"):floorEnd)End] 替换完成后,按ctrl+A全选并复制,回到wow 右键编辑 “>赌徒< :0”这个方框粘贴到红色框这里, 并按下回车键就完成啦 附件 附件 改动在2016-07-23 03:17修改 评论 UID:40550929 Reply to Reply Post by nic1987 (2016-07-23 02:28...
"duration_type" : "combat_end", "duration" : 4, "remove_if_not_active" : false, "rule_type" : "monsterSize", "is_false_rule" : false, "rule_data" : { "float" : 2, "string" : ""最上面的属性相关应该知道,自己看着改就行注意 "rule_type" : "monsterSize", "is_false_rule" ...
(inst, target) if target.components.health ~= nil then target.components.health.fire_damage_scale = 1 end end local function create_fire_buff(inst) MakeBuff("fireimmunity", fire_attach, nil, fire_detach, TUNING.BUFF_MOISTUREIMMUNITY_DURATION, 2) end AddPrefabPostInit("foodbuffs", create_...
Filter effects based on category, name, is it curable, and duration so that you only see effects you are interested in Effects can always be ignored or always shown regardless of filters (right click the effect and choose always show or ignore) Show the window always, only in combat, or ...
看大神分享的TMW字符串帖子,做了酒僧的简易字符串。可以监控 1酒池总量和每秒掉血百分比;2随天赋变动...
Simply log in the digits duration using the “+” and “-” keys on each side of the timer. Press the start button, and you are good to go! If you want to change the time you set, just click on the reset button and it will automatically go back to how it was before. ...