Audit must be treated as an instrument for exercising control over processes, systems, finances and individuals to make governments and governing bodies more responsible towards the public and its resources, but it cannot be considered as an end unto itself. ❮❮ Previous Next ❯❯ Related ...
The error budget provides a clear, objective metric that determines how unreliable the service is allowed to be within a single quarter.
to be CO2neutral, i.e., the CO2absorbed during cultivation is released during combustion (hereafter referred to as ‘C neutrality assumption’38). Some previous studies have considered biogenic CO2emissions during the plantation life cycle by analysing changes in aboveground biomass13,38,39, but un...
For the long-term sustainability of a farm- ing system, almost balanced nutrient flows should be aimed for. Even comparatively small P imbal- ances may result in strong imbalances in the soil in the long term. A P budget of − 10.5 kg ha−1 (Farm 8) would reduce...
In other cases, the validity of the budget has to be considered according to the proposed hypothesis. A balanced budget means that the element considered is not depleted from the soil. This does not mean that no changes occur in the ecosystem. A positive budget means that the element ...
The threshold peak budget compatible with a 50% likelihood of limiting warming to 1.5°C without overshoot is estimated to be 580 (490-640) GtCO2 (Table SPM1). This budget would be exhausted in 12-16 years if emissions were to continue at 2015 levels, and thus it...
have promised voters not to hike income tax or cut welfare rates but the Fiscal Council added nothing can be off the table.It said: "Given the total size of these adjustments, it is important that all adjustment margins - including tax, public-sector pay and welfare rates - are considered...
due to a failed business. Last year we finally paid off the last of the debt, including our mortgage of 250K. It’s all gone and we’re debt free. The cool thing is it is allowing us to move from Ohio to Washington state, something we couldn’t have even considered had we still ...
“those” extreme couponers, back before it was all cool and on TLC. 10 years ago I would regularly get all of our groceries essentially for free, using a combination of deals, coupons, rainchecks and a LOT. OF. TIME. It’s become a lot harder to do that than it used to be (...
In other cases, the validity of the budget has to be considered according to the proposed hypothesis. A balanced budget means that the element considered is not depleted from the soil. This does not mean that no changes occur in the ecosystem. A positive budget means that the element ...