the process can be quite easy and straightforward. For example, here we have a very small dataset about operational expenses and budget. We put actuals and budgets in the columns, and regions on the rows, and it seems fine.
Comparing actual numbers against your goal or budget is one of the most common practices in data analysis. With cross tabs, the process can be quite easy and straightforward. For example, here we have a very small dataset about operational expenses and budget. We put actuals and budgets in ...
Actual vs Budget vs PY in a Matrix with Scenarios in the Column 01-26-2023 09:26 PM Hello, I am trying to create a measure that provides one scenario (actuals) vs. a second scenario (budget). I can make actual sales vs. budget sales and get a figure, but I ... Best Regards,MariuszIf this post helps, then please consider Accepting it as the solution.Please feel ...
you get this (just to avoid confusion, the [Sum of Sales] measure is the Sum of the Actuals column from the Actuals1 table) now by simply adding the relationship between the Dim Item table and Target2, as in this image, this is the result for the same table: Which ...
Comparing actual numbers against your goal or budget is one of the most common practices in data analysis. With cross tabs, the process can be quite easy and straightforward. For example, here we have a very small dataset about operational expenses and budget. We put actuals and budgets in ...
Comparing actual numbers against your goal or budget is one of the most common practices in data analysis. With cross tabs, the process can be quite easy and straightforward. For example, here we have a very small dataset about operational expenses and budget. We put actuals and budgets in ...
I am working on a budget tool to track budget vs. Actuals. I have 2 fact tables, one for the budget and one for actuals. The grain is location, dept,
Comparing actual numbers against your goal or budget is one of the most common practices in data analysis. With cross tabs, the process can be quite easy and straightforward. For example, here we have a very small dataset about operational expenses and budget. We put actuals and budgets in ...
We put actuals and budgets in the columns, and regions on the rows, and it seems fine. Or is it? Not if you care about your users and want to maximize your data’s consumability for them! Let’s take a moment to see how quickly you can find out which region is below budget, ...