it forms the basis of the government's longer-term financial planning of its own economic and social commitments; it is an instrument ofFISCAL POLICYin regulating the level (and composition) ofAGGREGATE DEMANDin the economy. ABUDGET SURPLUS(revenues greater than expenditures) reduces the level of...
The article focuses on the efforts being made by Barranquitas, a municipality in Puerto Rico towards economic development. It mentions that the municipality, which has a budget surplus of nine million dollars, is planning to start a new factory and launch initiatives which aim at saving energy ...
As noted above, the term budget surplus is often used to define the financial situation of a company or government. These entities often run in surpluses when income or revenue exceeds spending or when there are shifts in the economic climate or the way governments spend taxpayers' money. An ...
Define budget for. budget for synonyms, budget for pronunciation, budget for translation, English dictionary definition of budget for. vb to allocate, save, or set aside money for : we need to budget for a fuel increase this winter. Collins English Dicti
During good economic times, they argue (though perhaps less forcefully), governments should run budget surpluses to restrain private sector demand driven by excessive optimism. For Keynesians, a balanced budget in effect represents an abdication of the government's duty to use fiscal policy to steer...
budget surplus budgetary budgetary control budgeteer budgeter budgeting budgie budgie smugglers Budgy budi Budlet budmash budo Budokon Budorcas Budorcas taxicolor Budweis budworm Buena Park Buena Vista Buenaventura Buenos Aires ▼ Full browser ? ▲ Budget Day (Ireland) Budget Day Value Budget de Famille...
but it was ruled unconstitutional in 1998. In the late 1990s budget-tightening measures—aided by the U.S. economic boom—reduced the deficit and led to two consecutive federal budget surpluses (1998–99); back-to-back surpluses had last occurred in 1956–57. In 1998, PresidentClintonpresent...
Government revenue is collected from taxes. Alternatively, when government revenue exceeds government expenditure, it creates a budget surplus. Formula for budget surplusView Video Only Save Timeline Video Quiz Course 149K views Causes of Budget Deficits Several factors account for a budget defic...
This is a good budget surplus definition. I especially like the part about being careful with numbers, as politicians manipulate them for different agendas. It’s like the old saying that liars do figure. Anyway, one source that I trust for good numbers is the Congressional Budget Office. Any...
In economics, what are considered shortages and surpluses? What are some characteristics of each? What are search costs in economics? What are the three basic economic problems in the study of economics? What are the 10 principles of economics?