Budget constraints have made police officials consider reassigning a considerable number of officers from traffic enforcement to work on higher-priority, serious crimes. Reducing traffic enforcement for this reason would be counterproductive, however, in light of the tendency of criminals to use cars whe...
Budget constraints have made police officials consider reassigning a considerable number of officers from traffic enforcement to work on higher-priority, serious crimes. Reducing traffic enforcement for this reason would be counterproductive, however, in light of the tendency of criminals to use cars whe...
这里observe还有另一成意思 是遵守而不是观察,那些犯严重罪行的人不会愿意去遵守更少约束的交通法规 填补
Police officials warn against budget cuts; Officials say that reductions would cut deeply into anti-crime effortsASSOCIATED PRESS
Congress is likely to ignore the $7.3T plan. That isn’t stopping the president from harnessing its power as a political tool.
A century-old university in suburban St. Louis will shut down next year, its president said Monday, citing declining enrollment and ongoing budget problems.
The Minister for Public Works Ro Filipe Tuisawau has made a call to the Fiji Roads Authority to speed up the necessary repairs on the island of ... 1 hour ago Low-income families raise concerns about housing affordability People from low-income familie...
c) The budget underpins reforms so there is an explicit objective to better control payroll and overheads and curtail wasteful expenditure. Hard budget constraints have been set for many parastatals that cut their subventions by up to 25 per cent. the groundwork has been laid for a medium-ter...
“It gives them a local reality check,” Hernandez said. “What we’re trying to do is to enable communities to tell their own stories, to have data that engineers and town officials can listen to. Sometimes an emotional plea doesn’t make your case as effectively as holding up...