He said: “We have the highest spirits duty rate among G7 nations, despite being a national success story. We look forward to engaging with HM Treasury on how we improve this.” VAT and on-trade The amount businesses can earn before having to register for VAT is also now set to increas...
“The Chancellor’s emphasis on public sector productivity is likewise welcome but insufficient. Investing in delivering better services is the right thing to do, but he should have done more to offset the £20 billion a year real-terms reduction in spending on unprotected public services that ...
National Insurance cut Instead of focusing on income tax, Sky News understands that Mr Hunt will lookto cut national insurance (NI) instead - by a further 2p. Treasury insiders said the chancellor has leaned in towards an NI cut because it applies across the UK - Scotland sets its own inco...
Instead of focusing on income tax, Sky News understands that Mr Hunt will lookto cut national insurance (NI) instead - by a further 2p. Treasury insiders said the chancellor has leaned in towards an NI cut because it applies across the UK - Scotland sets its own income tax thresholds - ...
Despite extensive briefing to HM Treasury, Department of Culture, Media and Sport and Department for Business and Trade about the negative economic, social and cultural impacts of the removal of the 75% business rate relief for grassroots music venues, the Government has announced that business rate...
One Downing Street source said they were “90% certain” that the appointment of a businessperson and awarding of a peerage would be announced before the weekend. Advertisement A Treasury spokesperson said: “Financial services are at the heart of the national growth mission and the chancellor reg...
However, abriefing documentreleased by HM Revenue and Customs today indicates that the government will go a step further, bringing forward legislation that will change who has responsibility for Pay As You Earn (PAYE) where an umbrella company is used. This legislation will come into effect from...
The article reports that Great Britain Chancellor of the Exchequer, George Osborne has said that the Treasury's 2015-16 resource budget would be reduced by 10 percent. He said that the lowest-funded local authorities in Great Britain wou... HM Treasury, e-Comms Team, public.enquiries@hm-tre...
Treasury: Rising oil prices will help reverse some budget cuts.
(supplemented from March 2022 with an elite points-based fast-track visa system for prospective staff of fast-growth companies). Following a flurry of recent activity in this space by HM Treasury and HM Revenue & Customs, the Government announced a wide review of its R&D tax relief schemes (...