Although different religions have been interacting with one another since time immemorial, “interfaith dialogue” or “interreligious dialogue” is a contemporary phenomenon with roots in the Christian interfaith movements of the late 19th century. Moreover, although the terms “interreligious” and “...
(Buddhism) a religious teaching propagated by the Buddha and his followers, which declares that by destroying greed, hatred, and delusion, which are the causes of all suffering, man can attain perfect enlightenment. Seenirvana ˈBuddhistn,adj ...
He is committed to promoting basic human values, to fostering inter-religious harmony, advocating for the welfare of the Tibetan people and reviving ancient Indian knowledge.MORE Email *** Facebook Followers 14.7MTwitter Followers 18.8MInstagram Followers 2.1M Domain Authority 66 Read...
A probing and accessibly written introduction to hermeneutic issues raised by attempts to study religious traditions comparatively. Uses insights gained from Ernst Troeltsch to survey approaches to Buddhist texts taken by 20th-century scholars of Buddhism in Europe and Japan. Pye, Michael. Skilful Mean...
We also have elegant editions of the Upanishads, which are philosophical texts, and the Bhagavad Gita, perhaps the most profound treatise on life and dharma. If you are looking for Indian religious books for sale, our selection is the best you will find. Mythological Books: The Mahabharata, ...
Further, it argues that the textual interpretation offered as an alternative to the view of women as relatively "attached" is misleading in that it does not sufficiently address the religious, social, and historical contexts in which the popular texts are found. Viewing the texts in their ...
Just as the Buddhistcommunityis divided between the monasticsanghaand the laity, so are Vesak practices divided along those social lines. Monastic observance usually includes aprocessionof monks and nuns, recitation ofsutras(religious texts), offerings in a temple, bathing a statue of the Buddha, ...
In northwestern India there were ascetics who tried to create a more personal and spiritual religious experience than that found in the Vedas (Hindu sacred scriptures). In the literature that grew out of this movement, the Upanishads, a new emphasis on renunciation and transcendental knowledge can...
Buddhism;environmentalism;theories and methods in the study of religion;religious change;systems change;conceptual change 1. Introduction In recent decades, scholars and citizens alike have sought adequate responses to the environmental catastrophe unfolding, it seems daily, before our eyes. The emerging ...
Though there were different practices, in theory, it is usually better to strictly adhere to the original texts in religious translations, because scriptures are deemed to be holy words left by saints (Seng You 1995, p. 290). A typical view is that translators only need to convey the conten...