a religion, originated in India by Buddha and later spreading to China, Burma, Japan, Tibet, and parts of SE Asia, holding that life is full of suffering caused by desire and that the way to end this suffering is through Enlightenment that enables one to halt the endless sequence of birth...
Then in the Vajrayana tradition suffering itself is said to be bliss. The reason for this statement is that in this tradition the true nature of mind, spoken of as the union of bliss and emptiness so that when the true nature of mind has been realised, suffering will be experienced as bl...
The Buddhist concepts of impermanence, no-self and emptiness are discussed to explain the Buddhist explanation for human suffering. A four-stage theory is described to explain the common Buddhist meditation experience toward the realization of no-self. Removing psychological attachment is found to be ...
In Buddhism, the usual process is to introduce a beginner to the idea that conditioned existence is suffering in order to help that person develop the desire to free himself or herself from conditioned existence. At that level of the teachings, suffering is taught as though truly existent. Once...
Explicit explanation of Buddhism based on the Pali Canon recognized by Buddhist scholars as the oldest surviving written record of what the Buddha actually taught. BENEFITS Ending Anguish, Despair, Suffering, Pain Peace of Mind Self-Realization of the Ultimate Truth...
God, some philosophers have restated the basic fallacies of the God-hypothesis using modern science and logic (and not the Buddha's Dhamma) as their point of departure. Yet many people in the world formally subscribe to the notion of God. What is the Buddhist explanation for this phenomenon?
Bonded by decay and death – a nest for sickness, perishable Produced by seeking nutriment – not fit to take delight in Departure from this is peaceful – beyond reasoning and enduring Unborn, unarisen – free from sorrow and stain Ceasing of all factors of suffering – stilling of all pre...
As ignorance is the foundation of all life-affirming actions, of all evil and suffering, therefore it stands first in the formula of Dependent Origination (pañicca- samuppàda, q.v.). But for that reason, says Vis.M. (XVII, 36f) ignorance should not be regarded as "the cause- less...
the Buddha is not moved by the eight things: gain, loss, fame, slander, praise, derision, suffering, and pleasure.These slanderous attacks will cease in seven days.” The scheme of Magandiya completely failed; the number of persons who came to believe in the World-Honored One increased, ...
adult, either gender or genderless and even other beings — whichever best in conveying the message of compassion and answer to those who call out to him (her) in their suffering. It also teaches that by calling on the name of the Bodhisattva, one can obtain both worldly and spiritual bene...