However, they are different in the way they carry out this philosophy. For example, in regard to the afterlife, Jains believe the soul remains an individual while Buddhists believe the soul dissolves into the universal divinity.Buddhism Origins Originally from India, Buddhism is both a philosophy ...
In this case, the true Buddhist view is that the impersonal stream of consciousness flows on — impelled by ignorance and craving — from life to life. Though the process is impersonal, the illusion of personality continues as it does in this life. In terms of Absolute Truth, there is no ...
alone, or otherwise sad or depressed. These just aren’t my holidays. I view them with slight amusement and a keen detachment over the last fifteen years, as if I were visiting from another culture (which I kind of am).
I think he is skeptical of any notion that Buddha was against killing animals for food or killing in self-defence in the way Leftist Buddhists are skeptical of rebirth or anything about afterlifes or the condemnation of abortion in the Vinaya or anything against pandakas. ...
Different from her main concern, this article demonstrates how a Chinese woman writer in the diaspora utilized Buddhism to voice her opinions on the afterlife and animal welfare on the world stage. Having lived in both the East and the West in different periods of her life, Lü Bicheng stood...