It was also the fastest-growing religion by percentage, having increased its number of adherents by 79 percent between the 1996 and 2001 censuses. Buddhism is the second largest religion in the country, after Christianity. The first clear example of Buddhist settlement in Australia dates to 1858...
In modern beliefs of ghosts, the number of unfortunate accidents, suicides, violent deaths and murders, and unfinished business leads some people to continue to believe in the presence of ghosts. After all, looking at Western Culture, a lot of people love a good ghost story and being scared....
Adherents claim that Buddhism is a very practical philosophy, which teaches us to focus our attention on personal experience, to determine what is the cause of our discontents ("dukkha") and to find a way to liberate ourselves from these, all the while expressing "metta", which is universal...
attended by an elderly lady, evidently her mother, who watched with an expression of mingled devotion, insight and pride her daughter’s initiation and welcomed her at the end of the process with radiant face, as a daughter, now, in a spiritual as well as a physical...
Among Tibetan Texts: History and Literature of the Tibetan Plateau. Studies in Indian and Tibetan Buddhism. Boston: Wisdom Publications, 2001. Part 4 of this compilation of essays by one of the greatest of all modern Tibetologists includes articles on a number of important Gelukpa figures, ...
In the West, Tantric Buddhism is known primarily for the sexual practices of certain Tantric sects from India, whose adherents strive to transform erotic passion into spiritual ecstasy. In this branch of Vajrayana Buddhism, followers are taught not to suppress their desires but to indulge in them...
They affirm a fair number of Vaibhāṣika doctrines, but challenge some of their central tenets, and instigate their own interpretations. The Sautrāntika ideas provoked negative reactions from the Vaibhaikas, but also gained adherents in India and beyond. Some scholars established textual ...
Buddhism is the fourth largest religion in the world, and like most religions of the world, is divided into a number of different traditions, each sharing a common set of fundamental beliefs (Buddhism). ... This is very comparable to ChristianityÆs Golden Rule, "Therefore all things whatso...
At the beginning of the sixth century, the number of Indians in China was upwards of three thousand. The prince of the Wei kingdom exerted himself greatly to provide maintenance for them in monasteries, erected on the most beautiful sites. Many of them resided at Lo-yang, the modern Ho-...
This framework analyzes the spatial pattern of the PSMS through its spatial hierarchical structure, aggregation features, and main center; examines the spatial scale based on the hierarchical structure, number of monasteries, and distribution range; and explores the distribution direction concerning its ...