he received homeschooling under his father's arrangement. In addition to Buddhist scriptures, the young rinpoche also took Mandarin, English, painting and music classes.
To the common people were left the ordinary local deities, while all classes, of course, each in its own fashion reverenced, cherished and obeyed their ancestors. It should be remarked at this point that Confucianism of this official character has broken down, not only under the impact of mo...
In Theosophy, Annie Besant, in her 1901 book “Thought-Forms” has this term divided into three classes. The form in the shape of the person who created them, those forms resembling objects or people that can potentially gain a soul or spirit or even by the dead and lastly, the forms t...
we Jewish students were forced to learn and sing Christmas carols alongside our Christian classmates every year in music classes and choirs in our classes and assemblies. I mouthed
You’re failing your classes, so you’ve made some mistakes and possibly bad choices,that much is clear. Now, the question is, do you want to dwell on the past (grasping), or move on to the future? You’re beating yourself up over whatever mistakes you’ve made, and that’s poisoni...
In most of the spaces I inhabited in Northern California, I had the privilege of being surrounded by very well-trained advocates for racial, class, gender, and a number of other forms of diversity and inclusion. The workshops, classes, community, and work events I frequented were excellently...
Everything was presented in a way that was clear and easy to understand. Thangka is something I had an interest in pursuing a few years ago but I ended up taking western art classes as that was much more accessible to me. I am very happy for this opportunity and I can see myself doi...
Both these schools were allowed to ordain bhikkhus without discriminating against the lower classes. Only the Siyama Sangha (the Thai ordination) continued to follow the royal command, and ordained only novices of the higher castes as bhikkhus. Missions from Sri Lanka continued to travel to ...
The Japanese believed the third and final period -- the Age of Mappō (Decline of the Law) -- had begun in 1052 AD. The ensuing decades, moreover, were marked by civil wars, famine, and pestilence. A sense of foreboding thus filled the land, and people from all classes yearned for...
“snake-like beings resembling clouds,” theNAGAare among theeight classes of deitieswho worship and protect theHistorical Buddha. Even before theHistorical Buddha(Siddhartha, Guatama) attained enlightenment, theNAGAKing Mucilinda (Sanskrit) is said to have protected Siddhartha from wind and rain for...