Our Center is located at 3166 W. Broad St. in Columbus, Ohio 43204 Our hours are Sunday from 9:00am-noon as well as our Recovery Dharma meetings on Monday and Friday evenings at 7:00pm; and Grove City Zen practice on Thursdays at 6:30pm. ...
Smith. (Reprinted from the Ohio Archaeological and Historical Quarterly for July and October, 1930. Columbus: F... How must n non-overlapping equal circles be packed in a given circle so that the diameter of the circles will be as large as possible? This paper presents ... McGrane Reginal...
Ohio Dominican College Columbus, Ohio JOHN VIDM.AR, O.P. Beyond Dialogue: Toward a Mutual Transformation of Christianity and Buddhism. By JOHN B. CoBB, JR. Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1982. Pp. 176. $8.95 (paper). In an age of recognized pluralism and of increasing affirmation of the ...