A son? 我在整个天地都是圣洁 Holy am I throughout Heaven and Earth 我们盼望已久的救世主已出生并向我启示 阅读了该文档的用户还阅读了这些文档 15 p. The Secret Lives of Animals《动物的秘密生活(2024)》第一季第一集完整中英文对照剧本 14 p. The Secret Lives of Animals《动物的秘密生活(...
我在整个天地都是圣洁 HolyamI throughoutHeavenandEarth 我们盼望已久的救世主已出生并向我启示 Ourlongawaitedsaviorhas beenbornandrevealedtome 他是出生在卡蒂瓦宫的悉达多太子 HeisthecrownprinceSiddhartha borninthepalaceofKativa 我的预言将在全地听到 Myprophecywillbeheard throughouttheland 他将成为人类的佛陀...
Sakyamuni, alone, and for this reason al the Buddhas throughout the ten quarters, countless as the sands of the Ganges, have become witnesses to the attainment of birth through the nembutsu that embodies Amida’s Primal Vow.
This posture is derived from the story of his birth, soon after which he raised his right hand and lowered his left, declaring, "I am my own Lord throughout heaven and earth." Worshippers take some of the tea home with them so their faith and good health will be perpetuated. Vesak ...
Maitreya, in Buddhist tradition, the future Buddha, presently a bodhisattva residing in the Tushita heaven, who will descend to earth to preach anew the dharma (“law”) when the teachings of Gautama Buddha have completely decayed. Maitreya is the earlie
It is Maitreya’s role as “savior” and future Buddha that led to so many fraudulent tricksters claiming throughout history to be Maitreya come to earth. (See the section on Maitreya claimants.) Maitreya Bodhisattva, the Future Buddha, statue in Ladakh. ...
She was given many loyal servants and in her beauty she resembled a goddess. It became known throughout the whole kingdom that because of her simple gift she had been elevated to the highest position in the State and this induced her subjects to be kind and generous towards their fellow ...
As I stated on the linked post, “I know the original name is Heracles (or Herakles), but I will use Hercules throughout as this is the name chosen by the staff of DEATH BATTLE!” I should point out that this article is only listing interesting similarities. It is NOT trying to ...
19. “You can search throughout the entire universe for someone who is more deserving of your love and affection than you are yourself, and that person is not to be found anywhere. You, yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection.” ...
These have been produced continuously in Japan until recent times and may be seen at temples throughout the country. Other early examples include the bussokuseki at Okadera 岡寺 in Nara, Shitennouji 四天王寺 in Osaka, Hounenin 法然院 in Kyoto, Zoujouji 増上寺 in Tokyo and Zenkouji 善光...