Bhagavān; World Honored One (Jp. = Butsu-seson 佛世尊) Above spellings for Ten Epithets courtesy of:,, andDigital Dictionary of Buddhism OTHER IMPORTANT BUDDHIST TERMS BODHISATTVA(Sanskrit),BOSATSU菩薩(Japanese) ...
It would be easy to blame the world for dragging us by the hand, because it does—oh, how it does. There are bills to be paid, and requests to be honored, and all the million little things we feel we need to do and figure out before we can finally take a break and breathe. But...
Marianne:Yeah, that we should never doubt that a small group of committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it’s the only thing that ever has. You know, the majority did not wake up one day and say let’s free the slaves, and the majority didn’t wake up one day and say ...
This is one place where this work intersects with my Buddhist views. Both hold a fundamental assumption that we come into this world as a precious and whole being. In dharma language, we would say this is ourbuddhanature. In fact, one of the early teachings I received in Buddhism is that...
Founded in 2010 in Boca Raton, Florida, Funky Buddha Brewery® is committed to producing bold craft beers that marry culinary-inspired ingredients with time-honored technique. Its lineup includes year-round brews Floridian Hefeweizen and Hop Gun IPA, along with specialty releases such as Last Sn...
Two extant works: (1) Shaka Nyorai 釈迦如来 at Daihō-on-ji Senbon Shakadō 大報恩寺・千本釈迦堂 and (2) one smaller statue of the Senju (1000-Armed ) Kannon 千手観音 at Sanjūsangendō. However, the Shaka statue is probably a reproduction, as the original was reportedly damaged or ...